Wrist hurts like hell from Death/Thrash metal picking!

Heinous Hairball

Heinous Killings
Feb 4, 2007
Dayton Ohio
if it hurts .. DONT KEEP GOING

you need to work on youe technique..

think of the wrist as a pivot. Dont play with your whole arm like the punkers.

get a metronome and start slow. doing 16th on the click.

follow that till its cake.

then SLOWLY speed it up..

Be fuckin carefull ... sounds like you are either going to hurt your self, or get bummed that ya cant do what ya want to and give it up..

Warm up before you explode

simple 1234 2345 3456 etc on adjacent strings when ya get to the high E ...
repeat the process but backwards..

-1 on strings and fret

Just be careful man... dont fuck your self up!

hit me an im if ya need some exercises or whatnot man!

just dont fuck yourself up!


heres some of my solo shit - use it as inspiration

No, my picking is perfectly OK, it's just that when I speed up like that, I put too much strain on my picking hand. And, no, my elbow doesn't move. It's all wrist movement when I shred like that.
I heard two theories to speed picking -
1)using your whole arm
2)using only the hand, and making tiny circles with the pick

Is one better than the other?
No, my picking is perfectly OK, it's just that when I speed up like that, I put too much strain on my picking hand. And, no, my elbow doesn't move. It's all wrist movement when I shred like that.

STOP! You are going to give yourself tendonitis, I know I did. It took years before I finally got comfortable playing at those speeds again and I still have a touch of it left. You just need to excercise patience and built up your speed gradually as you muscles are not developed enough in those techniques.
I heard two theories to speed picking -
1)using your whole arm
2)using only the hand, and making tiny circles with the pick

Is one better than the other?

Different techniques work for different people. It depends on what you're the most comfortable with. That said, using your whole arm makes absolutely no sense to me. That's a huge thing to be moving and a lot of wasted energy if you ask me. I primarily move from my wrist. That seems to be the most economical way of speed picking. I don't know about the whole tiny circles with the pick deal. I definitely don't do that and I speed pick just fine thank you very much.

And some advice regarding playing fast in general: Stay relaxed. Don't tense up your wrist or your arm. That's a terrible thing to do and it'll give you pain, that's for sure. People seem to think that playing fast has to take a whole bunch of effort. It shouldn't. Playing fast should be nearly effortless. I'm serious about that. Once you build up speed and precision, you should be able to play in a relaxed manner without tiring quickly and without getting sore. When I speed pick my muscles are really not that much more tense than when I'm playing at normal speed.

Also, warm up before you start playing! This is essential. You need to do some basic right hand and left hand exercises at a slow speed, gradually building up speed. Don't just jump on the guitar and start burning. That's like running a marathon without stretching beforehand. Who the hell would do that?