warning dumb question: cubase & inserts


all gods fail...
Apr 14, 2007
Reading, UK

Sorry for this very basic question..so let just get it over and done with:

To be able to apply effects (comp, eq etc)directly to a track as it is recorded (& for those effects to be permanent) do i need outboard hardware &/or separate effects cards?
If i just use a plugin on an insert in cubase then that plugin is only active on playback and mixdown and leaves the raw track unchanged..as i understand...?

You must not apply the effects on the current track you're recording to but on the input channel (have a look at the mixer view). Effects added here will be permanent (at least that's how it works with SL3).
To be able to apply effects (comp, eq etc)directly to a track as it is recorded (& for those effects to be permanent) do i need outboard hardware &/or separate effects cards?
yes if u have them

If i just use a plugin on an insert in cubase then that plugin is only active on playback and mixdown and leaves the raw track unchanged..as i understand...?
yes, but u can freeze the track and have processed right away
input channel ?? how does that work in 3SE ? in the mixer i dont think i have input channels.....??
input channel ?? how does that work in 3SE ? in the mixer i dont think i have input channels.....??
Then you'll probably have a problem recording anything! ;) They should be on the far left of your mixer. When you hit a note e.g. on your guitar (which should be in some way connected to your soundcard) the meter should pump up.
Also make sure none of the icons even further left are orange (that hides special channels).
(and just to make sure: open the mixer via "F3" on your keyboard)