Originally posted by dreaming neon darkspot
I sort of like the Sex Pistols(not that much,though).Maybe some of the older punks checked out the Warped Tour once or twice,but hopefully they hads enough commen sense to stay away from that tour.Maybe they would be able to respect Nevermore and possibly even *tolerate*the music.But the MTV-punkers don't have that type of attention.You know,with them,if it's not a band that obsesses over bodily functions and sex and writes songs about breaking up with girls in high school*obvious references to Blink 182*then it's not worth anything...though it's not like they actually have standards anyway.You know,they all try to act like their such "rebels"(there are ever shirts that say "Rebel" on them...and they're all glittery)and underdogs...saying"I'm real old-school punk!"...the ones who wear Misfits and Ramones t-shirts to look "cool".Those are the ones that go to the Warped Tour(the girls throw their underwear onstage at the singer of Green Day thinking that they're gonna marry him)and those are the ones that aren't worth Nevermore's time.