Warrel, your REAL thought on Century Media?


Eyes Wide Open
Nov 15, 2001
Bay Area, California
Now I know that in all likelyhood, what you say on this board is taken as "official," but as guitarist and likely future businessman for my band, I really wanna know your real thoughts on Century Media.

Not to sound arrogant or anything like that, but I truly think that my band has "it" (it, meaning the originality, drive, and ability to actually go somewhere in this horrible industry), so before we shop labels and posibilities, I wanna ask an actual member of the party (and person that has gone through some apparant label troubles) about any complaints, hardships, or general advice.

If you dont think you want to go on the record with any of this, PLEASE give me an email. This is very important to us, as we want to know as much as we can before we jump into an industry that so many have been completely screwed in.

My email is codq@aol.com

Thanks man, I'd REALLY appreciate it!
ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.... yeah, that was funny shit.