
Pitiless Wanderer

Active Member
Jun 14, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
Hey man, can you tell me approximately how much time you're going to get opening for Disturbed please? If it's an hour then I'm gonna book my flight to fly over to the UK for at least two shows, but if it's only 30 mins....

Please respond if you know so I can book my flight early. PM me and close this topic if you want. Thanks.
Sentient 6 said:
not sure just yet, I'm guessing since it's a 2 band bill that we'll get 45 or 50 minutes, 30 seems doubtful, but I'll pm you when i find out:headbang:

Is the tour with Disturbed only in the UK? If it is, are you guys planning to do any other tours?

The quote in your signature reminds me a lot of Chuck Norris :)
45-50 minutes is what I call:

One entry found for excellent.

Main Entry: ex·cel·lent
Pronunciation: 'ek-s(&-)l&nt
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin excellent-, excellens, from present participle of excellere
1 archaic : SUPERIOR
2 : very good of its kind : eminently good : FIRST-CLASS
- ex·cel·lent·ly adverb
I don´t dare hope for an hour, but 50 minutes would be okay. Better than nothing *sighs

I must admit that I don´t know Disturbed, heard the name before but that was pretty much it. I´ll take a look on their website to see what I have to prepare for, haha...

These headlining dates...will that be something like in Greece last year? ONLY Nervermore? Damn, I´m curious, I know....:oops:
they played 50 mins the only time i saw them play in the states back in 2003 and it wasnt enough time, but worth flying to see them play.

since they refuse to tour in the states they leave me no choice to go the international route. :)
TwistedSister said:
I don´t dare hope for an hour, but 50 minutes would be okay. Better than nothing *sighs

I must admit that I don´t know Disturbed, heard the name before but that was pretty much it. I´ll take a look on their website to see what I have to prepare for, haha...

These headlining dates...will that be something like in Greece last year? ONLY Nervermore? Damn, I´m curious, I know....:oops:

Fuck if they headline in Athens again........I'll be there again. Last time was so much fun. Right, TEE?
Devy_Metal said:
they played 50 mins the only time i saw them play in the states back in 2003 and it wasnt enough time, but worth flying to see them play.

since they refuse to tour in the states they leave me no choice to go the international route. :)

what UK dates are you gonna hit?
I'm hooked on 24 :) Thanks in part to the guys on the Steve forum.... And of course I heard that WD likes it too ;)

"the only reason you're conscious is because I don't want to carry you!"
ginamarina, whenever i see your username i get reminded of this Puerto Rican hip hop song that my friend Andres listens to a lot called "Baila Morena" (I may have spelt that wrong)... but anyway i keep thinking of "gina marina" to the melody of the chorus of that song.
Wolftribe said:
ginamarina, whenever i see your username i get reminded of this Puerto Rican hip hop song that my friend Andres listens to a lot called "Baila Morena" (I may have spelt that wrong)... but anyway i keep thinking of "gina marina" to the melody of the chorus of that song.

LOL. your little avatar guy reminds me of the beginning of "Happy Gilmore". :) I have a bad habit of doing that, and embarassing people in the grocery store with long zucchini, bananas, french bread... I really have no desire to be mature :D

I have had that nickname for so many years. There is more of it, I believe Gina marina louisa tequila feracci ducati is most of it, I never can remember the whole thing, the guys kept adding on to it. I only rejected it when they would add "Mellencamp" at the end! I'm glad it's melodic for you - hehe- I hope the song isn't too disturbing! There was some cornball song they used to play at the bars with a bunch of chicks' names in it, thank pete I don't remember what it was, but my buddies used to stick "Gina" in it all the time. I hope I don't remember it... :loco:

p.s. I'm glad your middle name is not Pad. Well, I don't know that for sure ;)