
Lunar Still

Doodle drawrer
Jan 14, 2006
...I know I will look like a douchebag for posting this, but Warrell, I really do not want to watch Throwdown, so I'd just like to ask if you and the Never-guys will be hanging around the venue at all afterwards. If you'll be outside, that's cool too....I've seen In Flames twice already, and while they are a good band, I'm not a big fan.

Keep in mind, I'll be driving a couple of hours basically just to see Nevermore play for a half hour-45 minutes. So, to meet up with you guys afterwards would be kewl.

Now, all of you....commence to flaming. :rolleyes:
Lunar Still, my sentiments exactly. You and I are driving a few hours just to see Nevermore & Evergrey. I have also seen In flames twice and they are an alright band. Hope to see Nevermore and you ("Lunar Still"), along with others, at the Cincy show.
Lunar Still said:
...I know I will look like a douchebag for posting this, but Warrell, I really do not want to watch Throwdown, so I'd just like to ask if you and the Never-guys will be hanging around the venue at all afterwards. If you'll be outside, that's cool too....I've seen In Flames twice already, and while they are a good band, I'm not a big fan.

Keep in mind, I'll be driving a couple of hours basically just to see Nevermore play for a half hour-45 minutes. So, to meet up with you guys afterwards would be kewl.

Now, all of you....commence to flaming. :rolleyes:

I'll be doing laundry at Sudsy Malones prior to the show, hanging out afterwards
LAUNDRY :headbang:

Excellent, looking forward to it, as I'm sure Zanex is...speaking of which, I also look forward to meeting the guy who sent me the Sanctuary disc. I sent you a PM, Zanex. I wanted to know how I would recognize you at the show.
Lunar Still said:
...I know I will look like a douchebag for posting this, but Warrell,

Hey Lunar - my spelling really really sucks. But I would feel like a total douchebag if i spelled Warrel's name wrong. :heh:
Sentient 6 said:
I'll be doing laundry at Sudsy Malones prior to the show, hanging out afterwards

Holy shit! I've been to Sudsy's.... isn't that on Vine St? It's been a loooong time - never thought I'd hear of that place again (i'm in VA now)...

I wasn't sure of the tour stop location until I read that post - now i'm assuming it's Bogarts. The last Bogart's show I went to before I moved was Megadeth / Iced Earth on the Hero tour back around 01 or so.... which was AWESOME!

Enjoy the beating!
Hey guys, Sudsy Malone's is right across the street from Bogart's. I've been there several times. It's a laundry mat/Bar. I hung out there and watched a band called Hoi Polloi when I went to see Trouble and Cathedral at Bogart's, but they cancelled. Mind you this was in the days before the internet and me and about 7 other people drove all that way to find out the show was cancelled.

Russell, (Lunar Still) I don't think I'll be hard to spot. I'll be wearing a White Nevermore Shirt and possibly camoflauge shorts or jeans. I'll try to post a pick of myself. Or go to my myspace account and there is pictures of my son and myself http://www.myspace.com/62606086
ZANEX said:
Russell, (Lunar Still) I don't think I'll be hard to spot. I'll be wearing a White Nevermore Shirt and possibly camoflauge shorts or jeans. I'll try to post a pick of myself. Or go to my myspace account and there is pictures of my son and myself http://www.myspace.com/62606086

Hey ZANEX hows shit dude??
You guys will be able to spot Warrel..... He will be the only guy with clean clothes in that town
Troy, I tried to call ledmag tonight several times from my cell phone but it kept saying "User Busy". Hope all is well with you. Last time I talked to ledmag he said he cut his hair and was having some medical problems (emphysema). I hope to hear from him soon.