Warrell Dane Is My Vocal God!!!


Apr 22, 2002
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I saw Nevermore for the first time about a year ago here in Michigan. I had been a fan for awhile..and was geeked to hear that they were coming with In Flames. So that show, Jim Shephard was sick with the flue, (I heard last time he came through he dislocated his finger in the tour bus door) but despite all, he still played..a real trooper. So In Flames played...a real good show...then came Nevermore. I never thought Id live to see the day where a band performed better live than on CD. NEVERMORE KICKS ASS LIVE! Jim pulled me onstage and I got a little taste of heaven..I was onstage headbanging with my favorite band ever. I met the band later that night. They are all kewl guys. So now I wait for them to really come to Michigan (Detroit) again so I can see them again. I was saddened when they canceled before. Just thought Id voice my opinion. ;)