Warrel's Drinking Problem, Part II - The Saga Continues



Do I have a story for you!!!!

You see, I heard from my best friend's cousin's aunt, who just HAPPENS to live two towns over from Warrel's ex-hairdresser's beauty supply vendor's sales person, and SHE said that on one of Warrel's drinking binges, he had sex with a REAL ugly dog, and he's been running ever since then.

Now, I don't know if it's TRUE, but you know what they say about rumours. There's always some truth to them or some damn shit.
well, if you wanna see girls having sex with ugly dogs, check out www.teenybeast.com

i wonder if WD would be willing to tell us some funny stories or at least clarify/dispell rumors.
and does he do the beastie with some dogs, I hope they were dead...cause I hope he doesn't break there heart. hehehehehe
I really hope unregistered is being sarcactic about this "friends, cousins, aunts, best friends, sister-in-laws, uncles, brother's, ex-wife's, new lovers, step daughter,.." bullshit. Everybody has "skeletons in their closets" and beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or beauty is in the eye of the beerholder. "Judge not lest ye be judged" and "let he who is without sin cast the first stone." Give Warrel a break, I gues we all have drinking problems: 2 hands, one mouth.


Yeah, alright!

We can be fans, we can do anything we want. But I don't think that we can WATCH OVER Warrel's private life!

I don't think this bullshit is real. But if it is... who the hell have something to do with it? Fuck those idiots who think that can destroy an idol image by telling bullshits on a forum.

Leave his life for his own mind. We have nothing to do with that!

Mad cheers,

Aragorn, the vengeance in black
Originally posted by Unregistered
I heard from my best friend's cousin's aunt, who just HAPPENS to live two towns over from Warrel's ex-hairdresser's beauty supply vendor's sales person

Reminds me of Space Balls:
"I am your father's brother's best friend's former roommate."

When THAT many people are involved, I say its about as true as myself being a devout Catholic Priest.
...which is just as likely as me cutting my hair, selling my guitar, crashing my car deliberately... TWICE, burning my death cd's, marrying my brother's ex-girlfreind's new-boyfreinds's hairdresser that once saw meg ryan walking on the street!!


I second Ledmag's post:

I don't recall mentioning anything about drinking, considering I'm no sin-free guy myself with "Alkeyhawl." I'm just the humorist in these threads. :)