Warrior Soul


I have an interview upcoming with Kory from Warrior Soul and have drawn a blank! I have 10 questions and usually come up with like 20 then trim it down to 15... Is there anyone that would be willing to give me some direction? Anything? Thanks in Advance.
sure wish I could help Sixx, not familiar with them and I'm sure you've covered the basics. I've only done one "interview" with Symphorce and we came up with the most obnoxious and silly questions...it was fun. Questions like... if you could only listen to 5 albums ever..... would you rather run a marathon or cut your hair? I told you they were silly!:lol:
KMADD said:
didnt thier singer die recently? Or am I thinking about another band from
the late 80's and early 90's?

I think it was the bass player that died (was murdered) a few months back.
anyway here's the questions for Kory....

Warrior Soul Kory Clarke:

Kory currently, Warrior Soul is having five of their records re-issued. Can you tell us how that came about?

For a fan that already owns some of the records in this re-issue campaign are there any extras? Have they been remastered, remixed or expanded?
What are the plans to promote the records?

Out of all the material that you’ve recorded, what has been the most solid record that Warrior Soul has recorded? And why do you think so?

Kory I've heard various stories about the Chill Pill album. Something to the fact how your relationship with Geffen records had soured, so much that you recorded an album of lesser quality Warrior Soul material just to spite them. How much of this is fact? And how much is fans speculation?

You have a new project called Dirty Rig. That is a reference to heroin use isn’t it? What direction are you going in with that band? How different is it from Warrior Soul?

Would it be safe to say that no matter what Warrior Soul did they were destined to fail? If so why was that? And would make the majority of the decisions on behalf of the band?

There is a former member of Warrior Soul that’s no longer with us. What are a couple good stories about drummer Mark Evans that you’d be willing to share with the readers? How did you meet him?

How much contact do you have the surviving members of Warrior Soul? What are the up to these days?

Warrior Soul once toured with Queensryche. Now I didn’t catch that tour, but I was wondering, how did that tour go? How did Queensryche treat you guys? At the time it was kind of an odd pairing, but the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. Did they ask specifically for you or was it your management that made it happen?

What bands were hard to tour with? And how did Warrior Soul deal with the traditional hazing of the opening band? Any funny stories of revenge?

The state of rock music has changed several times in the time Warrior Soul has released their debut record. What state do you think rock music is in North America? And what current bands are doing something that you feel is original or entertaining?

What do you think of the current American Government? Seems to me like you could definitely draw a lot of ideas for songs from this time.
You remember where you were on 911? I know I have a brother and he was living in NYC at the time. It was overwhelming and surreal.

Will Osama ever be captured you think? What’s your take on that? Clinton had a chance to get him during his time in the White House, but didn’t pull the trigger.

Why do you think America is hated by so many nations? Should Americans be ashamed about being Patriotic? I think that some times turns other nations off.

If you could change anything about Warrior Soul’s career what would you change?

Complete this sentence. “Being in the music business has…”

In closing, I’d like to thank you for taking the time to answer some questions. I’d like to give you an opportunity to say something to your fans or plug your band. Thanks A Million Kory.
Please post a link to the interview when it's done Sixx, thanks! I was a HUGE WS fan, still am. It's cool that the albums are being reissued, so people who missed them the first time around can check them out now.

I's wierd that some of my favorite band's albums are getting reissued that I NEVER thought would... first the Rock City Angels album (Young Man's Blues) was reissued, now the Warrior Soul albums.... what's next, the Nymphs album?
sixxswine said:
Warrior Soul once toured with Queensryche. Now I didn’t catch that tour, but I was wondering, how did that tour go? How did Queensryche treat you guys?

That could be a really touchy one. They got booed off the stage in San Francisco. They were so pissed off that they started taunting the crowd back, went into a tirade, and then just left the stage. It was brutal.

Both times I saw QR headline in Cali, the opener got booed off the stage. The other opener? Warrant. Now there's a messed up pairing.
Wheezer said:
That could be a really touchy one. They got booed off the stage in San Francisco. They were so pissed off that they started taunting the crowd back, went into a tirade, and then just left the stage. It was brutal.

Both times I saw QR headline in Cali, the opener got booed off the stage. The other opener? Warrant. Now there's a messed up pairing.

Well, it wasn't delivered in a disrespectful manner?
Warrant? That's like pairing Deep Purple with the fucking Carpenters, isn't it?!
sixxswine said:
Well, it wasn't delivered in a disrespectful manner?

Nah, it was fine. One of the things I remember him saying from the stage was (paraphrasing) "WTF is wrong with you people!?!?? We're saying the same things...etc." He really chewed out the crowd which only incited further mayhem. Just the fact that he mentioned he thought they were similar then makes it a pretty interesting question. I'm curious about how he'll respond to that one.

sixxswine said:
Warrant? That's like pairing Deep Purple with the fucking Carpenters, isn't it?!

:lol: :lol: :lol: Something like that. It was bad. The lead singer got biffed in the head with a shoe, they did "Down Boys" and left the stage veeeerrrry early.
sixxswine said:
Call me sick in the head, but to me Down Boys always projects this image of a alter boys servicing a priest... Anyway, it's a good song...:saint:

If you're sick in the head then I am too because that's pretty much the image I got. The video is what pretty much did it for me -- they're down on their knees and sideways headbanging. They did it that way live too. How metal can you be on your knees? :Smug: