WASP, Y&T And Edguy On The CMS Feb. 18th!


The Man Behind The Mayhem
The Classic Metal Show
9p-3a Live Every Saturday

THIS WEEK ON YOUR CLASSIC METAL SHOW: Things are looking very jam-packed this week on THE CLASSIC METAL SHOW. First off, CMS Friend Dave Meniketti and his band, Y&T have reissued their classic albums BLACK TIGER and MEAN STREAK, complete with (shhhhhh) bonus tracks! We'll do a New Music Listening Party for those two, as well as speak with Dave regarding the reissues and everything going on in the world of Y&T.

Secondly, the mighty Blackie Lawless of W.A.S.P. has made it known to Neeley and Chris that he'd like some airtime. For what, you ask? Well, it appears that W.A.S.P. is heading out on a three week tour of the states, and they are going to be doing something different than they've ever done before! What they are doing is...well...we'll let Blackie tell you himself when he calls into the CMS on Saturday!

And finally, another band that we follow closely on the CMS, Edguy is back with a brand new album called ROCKET RIDE. It's everything you'd expect from these silly Europeans! We'll do a brand New Music Listening Party for ROCKET RIDE, and we'll see if we can't get someone from the band on the show again as well!

The previously mentioned Edguy Listening Party for this week has been moved back one week. This is so we can have Tobias Sammet from Edguy on the show to talk about the new record.

We've moved up the Ozzy Tribute album to this week, and dropped Edguy back to the 25th!

Rock on, all!!
