Wasted opportunities?


Miserable Bastard
Apr 16, 2001
Enfield, South Australia
Visit site
I could have bought Rush's Fly By Night at a great price last week, but I put it back because it wasn't on my list :mad:. I already know the title track, Anthem, By-tor and In The End (one of my faves from All the World's a Stage). What other great songs am I missing out on?

Don't worry, Fly By Night isn't the best Rush CD by any stretch of the imagination.

The other songs on the album are:

Best I Can (not nearly as good as the Queensryche song of the same name)
Beneath, Between & Behind (this is on "Exit... Stage Left")
Making Memories (nothing special)
Rivendell (nothing special)

So there you go. Actually, "nothing special" can be used to describe roughly half of the songs Rush recorded during the 70s.