Yet more Iced Earth news


Miserable Bastard
Apr 16, 2001
Enfield, South Australia
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Horror Show got quite a blurb at the very end of Powersurge last night. Lewi talked about the three different stage sets for the new tour, said the Aussie release of the album wasn't due until July 9 :mad: , and played The Phantom Opera Ghost as the night's closing track. Awesome song, innit?

I can't possibly wait until July, so I've just been on the raprod to Shock Records in Melbourne and asked them very nicely for a UM promo copy. Fingers crossed that I'll be doing the review soon, Mark ;).

Erm, i dont have much to add, horror show rules, damien, opera ghost, ghost of freedom, frankenstein and dracula i love and umm......i want an iced earth tour :)

Theres my obligatory iced earth post :)
What show is this interview going to be on?????? Ive never heard of powersurge??!?!
Some more iced news.............

ICED EARTH The Loudest Movie On Earth 2001/06/18

Special Report By Martin Popoff

As Iced Earth celebrate the June 26th release of Horror Show, a concept album based on classic movie monsters, much is happening in their camp. As well as being in negotiations for a new label deal (both Sanctuary and SPV are looked on favorably by lead Earthling Jon Schaffer), plans are underway for a massive box set.

"It looks like we're 99.9% sure to do this box set with Century Media," explains Schaffer. "They want to remix the first three records (Iced Earth, Night Of The Stormrider and Burnt Offerings), and put out the original Enter The Realm demo tape, as it was, except it will be on a CD. We're talking about doing some kind of video in the package. I'm trying to get them to do a DVD, but they're worried about sending production costs through the roof. The first album was recorded for $8,000 and it sounds like shit. And the artwork and the layouts and everything just sucked on those records. So my idea is to give the whole thing a facelift. The artwork will all be redone, and we'll have period photos and everything so it has consistency. The same concept for the covers will be there but it will be done in the comic style form, so the art will stay somewhat the same, but it will just be better. So doing that, we're looking at having five or six CDs in this box set. The main thing is to landmark the band's career for the last 11 years and we're also going to be recording a new tribute album where we're going to pay tribute to my biggest influences as a writer. I'm talking obviously Maiden, Sabbath, Priest, AC/DC, Alice Cooper, Pink Floyd, and a couple of others. But that is a release that's going to go in the box set but will also be released on its own for people who don't want to buy the box set."

But before that happens, Schaffer says the band head to Europe for what is undoubtedly looking to be their most impressive tour yet. "The set is going to be three hours long and we're going to have three set changes where we're actually going to change the look of the entire stage. The first part of the show is going to be a very basic metal look, kind of industrial and factory-like. And we're going to do stuff off the first three records because they're metal and there wasn't like a big gigantic theme going on. The second part of the show is going to be taking on the Egyptian theme and we're going to be doing Dark Saga, Something Wicked stuff. For the third part, it's going to take on the look of Dracula's Castle and we're going to be doing most of the Horror Show record.

Part of this innovation arose from Jon's disgust for the so-called power metal scene, most pointedly, the bands proposed as Iced Earth support acts.

"All the CDs I got, there were 30 of them, it was total cheese and I didn't want to take these bands out because I'm just not into it. And I think the diehard Iced Earth fans would rather see another hour of Iced Earth than some band they don't care about. We're going to be playing bigger places but fewer shows and bigger stage shows. We're going to have ramps going up behind the drum riser. It will be about 25 to 30 shows all over Europe. These bands, it's all a bunch of happy Helloween horseshit. It's all been done. They're all carbon copies of each other and there's no originality there. As far as I'm concerned that's what separates us and Blind Guardian from the rest. There are individuals that have intensity and drive and you can hear those individuals on the records. You don't hear that on this cheese fucking Euro crap."

Their European tour will begin on September 7th in Holland. Back to Horror Show. Due out on June 26th, the album will be published not only on regular CD but as a strictly limited double-LP on coloured vinyl and as a strictly limited double-CD packaged in a special "Digibook" and featuring a full interview with bandleader Jon Schaffer.
"...thats what separates us and Blind Guardian..."

That's what i've always said too, heh.. I agree fully.

A big stage show!!! I've never seen footage of Iced Earth live before... but I always thought it'd be a basic metal show. Looks like they are putting on big shows now though... which makes them the perfect band! Its the only thing they lacked that Kiss and Iron Maiden had. Hehe.

And a 3 hour show, WHOA!

Doesnt sound like they are coming here though.. :(
Originally posted by spawn
"...These bands, it's all a bunch of happy Helloween horseshit. It's all been done. They're all carbon copies of each other and there's no originality there. "

Sadly, I really agree with this...!

And there's just no balls in most of the stuff either! As cool as it is to totally orchestrate things to death like Rhapsody (and every other band that sounds like them), it really pales in comparison to bands like BG and IE who put 'power' back into 'power' metal...!
I disagree and agree with some of this.

Personally I don't think all Metal music has to be angry. Actually I prefer it not to be. I would rather something that cheers me up rather then gets me more depressed. I like bands like helloween, excluding the cheesier stuff. I would much rather something to sing along too thanks!!

I do agree about the unoriginality. A lot of those bands are like a carbon copy. I prefer some originality. Thats why I listen to Maiden over anything else.
Originally posted by ironcross
I disagree and agree with some of this.

Personally I don't think all Metal music has to be angry. Actually I prefer it not to be. I would rather something that cheers me up rather then gets me more depressed. I like bands like helloween, excluding the cheesier stuff. I would much rather something to sing along too thanks!!

I do agree about the unoriginality. A lot of those bands are like a carbon copy. I prefer some originality. Thats why I listen to Maiden over anything else.

Crossy is most wise. :D
Originally posted by ironcross
Personally I don't think all Metal music has to be angry.... I like bands like helloween, excluding the cheesier stuff.

I *love* Helloween (even the cheesy stuff! HAHA!) and I agree that just playing angry stuff is silly (Pantera on a lot of their stuff, for example! I love Pantera too but there's only so much "AAARRRGGGHHH!! I'm fucking mad!" you can listen to without it getting tired) but let's face it, there's happy metal and then there's happy metal with no nuts at all...!

Put Stratovarius next to Blind Guardaian and see which one sounds really gay? Blind Guardian has a lot of happy songs too but they do them with balls and their own style rather than the power-metal-by-numbers approach that nearly everyone else seems to be taking now... It's similar to a lot of the hair bands from the 80s - there was genuine talent there and a lot of unique and original bands but there was just so many look-alike / sound-alike clones (and normally those clones were 2nd-rate players & songwriters) that the good bands started to get labeled as crap with them...

I think that's what Jon's getting at... If so, I agree totally! (If not, well - how dare he disagree with me! Let's get 'im! HAHAHAHA!)


:lol: :lol:

I just bought thisthe other day... and I love it!!
Speaking of good glam metal, not crap copies.... I was watching A Nightmare On Elm Street 3 today and at the end during the credits, Dokken's "Dream Warrior" was on... good stuff :D

Hey Spawny, when you sending the vids?
Really? Hehe cool... Bring Your Daughter To The Slaughter is in Nightmare 5. Shame Nightmare 5 was such a crap movie. Oh how sequels ruined the great horror films...