wasted time(some pic of me)

Welly said:
some fresh pics of me

this is ours (cheap) instrument. my bass on the middle.(rock)

me and bassguitar, in a (gay) rockstar way hahaha

me and guitarist having a blast.. for some reason(not even drugs) i am smiling and been happy to exist i suppose

some may noticed i cutted my hair.. no bashing please.. they where fucked up and needed to breath.. they'll grow in a decent way now.
Hey buddy! Take your T-shirt, 'cause Tara would run away!
hahaha if you think my guitarist look funny on this pic you haven't see nothing yet(no nude pics) hahaha rather funny pic, but i call him a friend so i wont post is face here :grin:

and i never pretended to be pretty so you can bash me if you think i suck.. :p

@ tara: i still need to reach you