Wastefall vs Fragile Vastness perhaps???


Mar 1, 2004
I found this review and it was interesting

In Gagarin 205 Club, Athens. On Sunday, February's 20th, 2005

The first band to open this special night was Fragile Vastness. The crowd seemed to know their old and like their new songs. The songs they played from their past material were ‘Parasite’, ‘Formula’ and one more I can’t remember right now. The new songs had some ethnic and jazz elements that made the music the same, or even more interesting than their old material. The fact remains that they are one of the two best progressive bands in Greece. After half an hour of playing, it was time for the other great band from Greece to get on stage…

This other band is Wastefall. I’ll start with this: the sound was terrible! The volume of both the guitars was too low and the sound was many times distorted. The band made many mistakes in their performance…the songs they played were ‘Soulrain’, ‘Stunned To The World’, ‘Empty Haven’, ‘S. E. P.’ and ‘Lesser’. However, the fact that despite all these problems they managed to excite a large amount of the crowd showed that these guys have guts! Unfortunately, there was the other part of the crowd that didn’t show much of understanding about their problems and they mocked them…one of them threw a cigarette on the stage, pointing at the singer. This action was uncivilized and immature to my opinion. Anyway, they too played half an hour and did their best to prepare the crowd for the progressive icon called Fates Warning!

The "Many Mistakes" comment scared me a bit... I like their new disc...thought the first one sucked...but to see that they warmed up for Fates at least gives us an idea that they can perform in front of large crowds.
Each year I rely on Glenn to level me with a band I had previously never heard or heard of. Last year it was Circus Maximus. This year, based on the material I have heard, I think it will be Wastefall...
TwizstedJesus said:
Ibut to see that they warmed up for Fates at least gives us an idea that they can perform in front of large crowds.

That's funny:erk: I love Fates Warning, but I personally can't recall them ever playing in front of a large crowd other than when they opened for DT and Queensryche (I believe).
They played in Greece....where the dvd was filmed...a shitload of people.They've also played in front of mega crowds in Germany,that festival thingie...just in America where the midless idiots are force fed mindless dreck like weezer or green day is where Fates cant get a crowd...