Watch for me on MTV Icon tonight!


Dec 23, 2002
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Keep an eye out for me on MTV Icon: Metallica. I'm in the very front of the main stage just off to the left (which is stage right for you show biz types). I'll be wearing a long sleeve black Creeping Death T-shirt. I was jumping up and down behind James Hetield when they were out on the cat walk during their set. The show kind of sucked, but oh well. Limp Dipshit got booed and everybody flipped them off. Their 15 minutes have expired. Fuh-nee!

Are you giving me an order? I don't take kindly to people giving me orders. :D
Well that's the first time in a long long time I've flipped on MTV and I can see once again why its not worth turning on. Could they have possibly gotten worse groups to play Metallica songs? Snoop Dog? I'm sure he was really influenced by Metallica :err: ...when he tried to sing... now that was funny! :lol:
Why did Lars seem to enjoy listening to his songs being destroyed?
Watching Trujillio made me think he'd be a better fit playing in Korn. I just hope he doesn't starts slapping. :yell:
Good ol MTV rolls the credits as Metallica plays a new song at the end, way to go.