Watchtower Show in SA, TEXAS Last night!

Ron & Jason got a little tangled in cords and each other and Ron fell & hut his knee. It was a bit scary. I think Jason jumped the gun by screaming for an ambulance. Ron did get up and seemed Ok.

It just goes to Prove that Metal is dangerous!!!
What actually happened was Jason was climbing on Doug and my legs to do one of those human pyramids or something. Half of his weight was on my knee when I was doing one of those stretched out metal poses and my left knee dislocated. Ouch! I pushed it back into place after about 30 seconds, and so it's kinda sore right now and will be for a few days. Jason was asking for an ambulance because he saw my knee cap on the left side of my knee. Not a pretty picture. And yeah, you're right, metal is dangerous! But other than that, we had a freaking blast!!!!

DeadlyThrasher said:
It just goes to Prove that Metal is dangerous!!!
Metal is dangerous;)
I hope Ron's knee has no pain now

Deadly Thrasher,tell us how long did they played and
give us the set list if you can remember.

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yeah Watchtower is probably the most dangerous metal band ever!
And about the live show, i am happy that more and more people (who appreciate what they experience) see Watchtower performing live, as i said whoever hasnt seen a Watchtower hasnt seen ANYTHING at all.
Yes the show in Amsterdam is still driving me nuts
ronjarz said:
I pushed it back into place after about 30 seconds, and so it's kinda sore right now and will be for a few days.
Heya Ron,

Glad that you were able to pop it back into place...
it definitely wasn't a pretty sight from where I was standing... o_O
But once you popped it back into place and walked it off,
I think every one in the crowd started breathing again.... :lol:
You guys definitely tore it up that night man, and I was glad that I could be witness to one of the best shows I've seen in years!!!!
I'm still looking at my guitar, wondering if I should even keep playing or just hang it up... LOL!!!
