Watershed booklet to contain no lyrics!

If there are noe lyrics, the booklet should be full of awesome pictures made by Travis Smith. Maybe one picture for each song that kinda describes it or something. That would've been nice. And maybe on the dvd, there's this 5.1 karaoke version with lyrics on the screen.
What do you mean by that?

This album has the lowest recorded growls so far I think, so yeah its harder than usual to hear what he sings.

It is harder than usual, but they're still decipherable, at least to some extent.
Furthermore, how interesting can a booklet be if there are no lyrics in it?? Just a bunch of photoshop artwork and some pictures of the band?
Oh well, in the MAYH booklet it's also filled with pictures and then the lyrics in one big bunch in the middle ...

Photoshop artwork is part of the atmosphere too. That could be awesome, even without the lyrics.
I'd like to have a little text written by every band member, please =D
The reasoning behind it is pretty retarded - most of the vocals are clean, so we can understand what he's saying anyway. Mike's not keeping anything a secret by not printing the lyrics.

Doesn't bother me, though. I rarely read lyric books, especially my first time listening.
maybe he wants it to be something different for everyone, personal meaning for you not mikael.

You can achieve the same effect with the lyrics printed. People have taken their own interpretations of printed lyrics for as long as printed lyrics have existed; only the artist saying, "No, no, people, THIS is what the song really means," in an interview stops that from happening.

Like I said, though, doesn't really bother me.
I've always felt that I never truely connect with an Opeth album without knowing the lyrics. This gets a long sustained boo from me.
You can achieve the same effect with the lyrics printed. People have taken their own interpretations of printed lyrics for as long as printed lyrics have existed; only the artist saying, "No, no, people, THIS is what the song really means," in an interview stops that from happening.

Like I said, though, doesn't really bother me.

This is true. I still think that not knowing for sure adds to ones own interpretation no? It's one thing if you read the lyrics then apply it to your life or whatever then it is to have an idea and imply it how you want it to. This also leaves the element of discovery, or a realization.
This is true. I still think that not knowing for sure adds to ones own interpretation no?

Yeah, but that can lead to people thinking about "deadly badgers" and stuff. Which might be bad for that person's interpretation.

Unless, of course, they find the concept of deadly badgers to be fucking sweet.
Well I think in most cases you just have to rule out some things given what you can directly extract from the song. During clean vocals it is easy to hear what he is saying, that way you get an idea of what the song is generally about. Another way is the notes and octaves, progressions etc. that give it that "dark" feel.

For example, I know for sure that in coil he is saying something about "running through the fields of sorrow", so if I can make that out then I hear a progression to a sinister riff I get an idea of what he is probably growling about. Making out some lyrics here and there, I can apply that more directly how I want the song to be about rather than what it actually is or may be but I do know it has something to do with fields of sorrow and whatever else I can make out.
Very disappointed to hear this. One huge reason that 'My Arms, Your Hearse' is my favorite Opeth album is because of the lyrics, including the ones that are printed for 'Prologue', 'Madrigal', and 'Epilogue'. Lyric websites are often wrong, as well. Just look at 'Porcelain Heart' on darklyrics.com: it has crap like 'eternal skis' instead of 'eternal screams'. 'Eternal skis'? Are you kidding me?

No, I should much prefer the real lyrics, printed in a real booklet. It's part of what makes upcoming Opeth albums so interesting to me: what are the lyrics going to be like this time around? And as much as I can make out the clean vocals on the songs I've heard so far, I sure as hell can't make out most of the growls, and his growled lyrics are typically awesome. 'She, laughing and weeping at once: "Take me away...."'