Watershed - Questions - New Fan !!


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
Ok .. so I'm sitting in a friends car last night and this song comes on the radio.

Sick vocals, amazing guitar tone, killer everything ....

I'm like who the fuck is this .... "Opeth" he says ...I'm like really?

Over the years the cookie monster vocal thing has really turned me off to some heavier music. Honestly the only bands I deal with that shit from are Carcass and Testament .... well not any more.

From a new Opeth fan to the rest of you out there ... HOW COME YOU ALL NEVER TOLD ME ABOUT THIS SOONER !!!!!

A question.....

Anyone know what Amps Michael uses? The guitar tone on this album is AMAZING!!
Boss GT6 or 8 into Laney clean channel live. In studio, they uses a variety like Mesa, Engl, etc..
where did you spent all you past 1333 posts here?

In answer to this, I'm guessing that posts made on other forums hosted by ultimatemetal.com count towards this total. I've only made a few posts on the Opeth forum but my total would suggest otherwise...
Ok .. so I'm sitting in a friends car last night and this song comes on the radio.

Sick vocals, amazing guitar tone, killer everything ....

I'm like who the fuck is this .... "Opeth" he says ...I'm like really?

Over the years the cookie monster vocal thing has really turned me off to some heavier music. Honestly the only bands I deal with that shit from are Carcass and Testament .... well not any more.

From a new Opeth fan to the rest of you out there ... HOW COME YOU ALL NEVER TOLD ME ABOUT THIS SOONER !!!!!

A question.....

Anyone know what Amps Michael uses? The guitar tone on this album is AMAZING!!

Which song was it?

More importantly, which radio station plays Opeth?
From memory, Opeth.com has full session diaries in the discography section. Some of the more technical details are probably in there somewhere.

I envy people that have only just got into the band, there is so much to discover. Doing that in a short space of time, rather than over the last 12 years would be one Hell of a ride...
Ok .. so I'm sitting in a friends car last night and this song comes on the radio.

Sick vocals, amazing guitar tone, killer everything ....

I'm like who the fuck is this .... "Opeth" he says ...I'm like really?

Over the years the cookie monster vocal thing has really turned me off to some heavier music. Honestly the only bands I deal with that shit from are Carcass and Testament .... well not any more.

From a new Opeth fan to the rest of you out there ... HOW COME YOU ALL NEVER TOLD ME ABOUT THIS SOONER !!!!!

A question.....

Anyone know what Amps Michael uses? The guitar tone on this album is AMAZING!!

I felt the same way back in 2005... why did I not know about them sooner!!!

Welcome to your new favorite band.
Ok .. so I'm sitting in a friends car last night and this song comes on the radio.

Sick vocals, amazing guitar tone, killer everything ....

I'm like who the fuck is this .... "Opeth" he says ...I'm like really?

Over the years the cookie monster vocal thing has really turned me off to some heavier music. Honestly the only bands I deal with that shit from are Carcass and Testament .... well not any more.

From a new Opeth fan to the rest of you out there ... HOW COME YOU ALL NEVER TOLD ME ABOUT THIS SOONER !!!!!

A question.....

Anyone know what Amps Michael uses? The guitar tone on this album is AMAZING!!

Mike uses Laney Amps, but I'm not sure what model. He also uses PRS Custom 24 guitars, both Double-cut and Single-cut. Yes, the tone on this album rules, and it's also great on every other Opeth album. If you want to get more quality stuff from Opeth, then go out and get Still Life, My Arms Your Hearse, and Blackwater Park ASAP!
Mike uses Laney Amps, but I'm not sure what model.

He uses the VH-100 from Laney. Judging from the front panel, it's quite an "unsophisticated" amp, meaning it doesn't have gazillions of knobs and settings, but
a) better have 1-2 great tones than 100 crappy ones
b) Mike apparently only uses the clean channel (live) with all the sounds coming from the Boss GT-8 (GT-10 by now?)
Ohhhh how I would love to discover Morningrise, MYYH, Still Live, Blackwater Park, and Deliverance all over again. Sometimes it feels that way anyway if I go long enough without listening to one of those albums.
He uses the VH-100 from Laney. Judging from the front panel, it's quite an "unsophisticated" amp, meaning it doesn't have gazillions of knobs and settings, but
a) better have 1-2 great tones than 100 crappy ones
b) Mike apparently only uses the clean channel (live) with all the sounds coming from the Boss GT-8 (GT-10 by now?)

That's a very smart thing to do, seeing how often Opeth switches between cleans and distorted tones. It would suck to have to turn off 3-4 pedals and then turn on 3-4 more just to get a different tone out of a different channel. I use pedals, but I've been thinking about switching to a multi-effects unit.
hey wts up.js discovered this site,well wanted to say dt opeth is really ausum n im probably the biggest fan of opeth and has compiled two ov their albums the roundhouse tapes and watershed and made it available in lahore 3 monts beforeit ws realesed.deliverence ws the first song i ever heard and since than i am into opteh and literaly dreams opeth,cant pass the day without opeth actually, well im a guitarist and can cover opeth songslike delivierence, blackwater park,herliquen forest,masters aprentices and etc i live in lahore dha and lookin for drummer and another guitarist who can cover the solos and a vocalist too, i my self can cover mikael akerfedlt's vocals but cant sing while playin, the growls not the clean cz i am not a vocalist,do listen to blood bath mikaels other band it is also kick ass and yea i can cover cathulu dawn too, talha_opeth@hotmail.com is my email id pls do reply if any one available thnx
n yea iv gt opeth rare songs and covers and also opeth with other bands u can get my collection from juke box in dha lahore, did any one of u get a chance to see opeth live???????