'Watershed' review

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So according to his scoring scale, Opeth's music is "Commonplace music adored by moronic groupies, but detested by smart fans."

That guys a fucken' moron that should just walk away from music.
More important is that the band would create songs about anti-establishmentarianism, anti-religion, and destruction to infrastructure, eradication of loyalty, nihilism, or they’d sing about taboo topics cause Death Metal is meant to be rude crude irreverent “fuck you all” music.

This guy can't be serious
Reminds me of one of those guys that give that "u mus be one a dem smart, elitist fellas" look when I say I like Opeth...
"Third, Opeth is sex music, and when I write “sex” I mean “making love.” Opeth is music made for missionary sex or cowgirl with lovers locked in a hug."

Is anyone reading all his shits seriously? I mean, he has absolutely no credibility and looks like a big fat moron who bases himself on nothing to show what he thinks.

"“Hessian Peal” is like eating for two at a buffet then going back to gobble more food. All the musical elements that make Opeth bloated are in the mix from acoustic segments, to false Death Metal interludes, melodic passages, and sudden breaks."

That guy really is a bag of shit. Look at that : "false Death Metal". Oh wait he wrote : "EMO lyrics" and "soulless", wow. It seems like for him, music is only about business. They did this because it's a strategy to sell more, and this because blablabla. I think it's normal, socially, that some stupid morons come to say things like that without even knowing what they are talking about. I think it should be normal if some other (but more appreciated) morons go kick his fat ass away from his computer. Seems like for him nothing is good, except King Crimson? Close-minded whore.

EDIT : Oh now I understand : he's a pure lover of pure fucking death metal. Grindcore for the win.
The review was great, that is why I posted the link. Also, all the defensive comments on this thread makes what he said even more right. Too bad you guys don't use that site for recommendations on Metal. So far I have never bought anything based on what Unholy Cult Webzine has said and been disappointed.
while reading that i thought that the points he was bringing up could be a description for 'opeth' on paper. If you told someone that who was curious and had never heard opeth before, it may have an element of truth to it.
Fact is though, opeth do this stuff so well that even though the guy negatively described opeth, his points shouldnt even matter. its probably more of a problem with the fans + hype, rather than the music itself.

edit: this dude seems to love his underground metal
The review was great, that is why I posted the link. Also, all the defensive comments on this thread makes what he said even more right. Too bad you guys don't use that site for recommendations on Metal. So far I have never bought anything based on what Unholy Cult Webzine has said and been disappointed.

That's because, like your hero, you're one of these "If it's not all mindless, monotonous blast beats with the requisite Cookie Monster on crack vocals & just all br00tal, all the time, it's GAY!" puerile idiots. Puh-leaaasse... what a pseudo-intellectual, elitist-wannabe douche this putz is! Yeah, I know, if every song isn't about "Sucking the taint of my lord Satanos & blowing up a goat whilst drinking the blood of the menstrual virgin" it must be "false-metal" :rolleyes: and all, but grow the fuck up already! It's really pretty fuckin' sad that an ugly fuck like that who looks to be WELL into his 30s is still on the angst-ridden "I just wanna piss off my parents" level of the average 13 year-old boy that constitutes the vast majority of his readership. (Remind you of anyone you know?)

Also, "defensive"?! Hello? Kettle? This is the Pot calling! This sanctimonious, bloviating windbag's entire review is a laughable all-out "defensive" assault against so-called "false metal", rife with infantile insecurities and petty predjudices. Not to mention, what the fuck else did you expect posting this kind of vapid, inconsequential poot on an Opeth message board? No wonder I've never even heard of this sphincter or his site before today, all of their... "reviews":puke: are written with the objectivity and common sense of a Klan rally, which is something I strongly suspect your skinhead ass-bag hero/reviewer probably knows a thing or two about!

Now please... go make the world a smarter place and sterilize yourself.

'Preciate it...
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