:\ :wave:


Mar 2, 2007
Montreal, Canada.
Hey all,

I guess I'll be getting on the leaving/less active people bandwagon. Theres too much shit going on in my life right now (parents, school, music, my future, etc) and it's really bugging me. CoBoT is a huge distraction for me and it's really hard to stay focused on the things that matter the most.

I'll miss you all! (even the ones I love to hate :p) I'll still come here once in a while (to check the more serious threads, such as the guitarist thread or happy birthday threads but that's pretty much it.

If you want to speak to me/keep contact you can add me on MSN or email me at:

bloodyblackthorn[@]hotmail.com (It's shit I know, but I've had it for a long time and I'm too lazy to change it :lol:)
<----- (It's there also)

It was nice being here while it lasted, you're all great!

Your friend,

Squeee aka Nick. :wave:
That's a shame. Although it's good that you're putting the important things in your life first. Good luck with your future and all the guitar stuff mate.
Hey all,

I guess I'll be getting on the leaving/less active people bandwagon. Theres too much shit going on in my life right now (parents, school, music, my future, etc) and it's really bugging me. CoBoT is a huge distraction for me and it's really hard to stay focused on the things that matter the most.

I'll miss you all! (even the ones I love to hate :p) I'll still come here once in a while (to check the more serious threads, such as the guitarist thread or happy birthday threads but that's pretty much it.

If you want to speak to me/keep contact you can add me on MSN or email me at:

bloodyblackthorn[@]hotmail.com (It's shit I know, but I've had it for a long time and I'm too lazy to change it :lol:)
<----- (It's there also)

It was nice being here while it lasted, you're all great!

Your friend,

Squeee aka Nick. :wave:

:lol: oh wow.
noooooo!!!!.....well, i will harass you on msn...or harass me whenever man! good luck with everything--you'll do awesome-!!!!!:kickass: