Question for fellow musicians

SSJ4SephirothX said:
Ok, I'm starting to get very pissed off.

I did, in fact, finish a song last night which is cool but here is my problem:

Whenever I sit down to write, it seems like I can't. I can't come up with anything and when I do, I forget it. When I try to make all parts of a song flow with each other, they just don't want to. Sure, writing shit with my bassist or my rythym guitarist is helpful but I'm trying to come up with material when it's just me. Think maybe my ADHD could be a cause of my excessive writer's block? Because if it is, I'll go get a fucking prescription to make me so I'm able to focus. This is really bugging me and if this continues, I think my career in music will be very, very difficult.


heyya ... i posted somethin similar to this in another thread ... but watever, here i go again ... try trippin on somethin ... try gettin urself psyched ... whether on somethin hardcore or jus weed, booze, too many cigs or even a terrific situation ... sit some quiet place sothat other sounds dont distract u. have a chilled drink so u're relaxed n not under the stress that you MUST write something. do not have too many or too much light/s as they may allow u to see other things better which yet again draw ur attention. also, try not to listen to any other music at too high a volume as u might jus subconsciously write a 'cover' of that song or somethin similar ... then, think of anythin ... whatever's on your mind, whatever happened in your life, whatever your opinion is about any topic, whatever your feelin tells u ... jus anythin ... moreover, dont tell urself u MUST get somethin down ... at times i jus sit for hours over days n i dont write a word ... basically i have a nice evening in a pleasant place ... n the only thing which relates to writing songtexts is that i have a pen n paper ready ... :rock:
I write my shit in a program called Tabit.
Its no where near as good as Guitar Pro, but its alot simpler, and if i need to i can trasnfer it to midi, and take the midi into guitar pro for keyboarding fingers.

If it doesnt work, just dont do it man. Do what ever is working for you. I wirte ALOT better on my own then with me friends, I have a feeling my freinds are idiots though :).

All I do, is fuck around on bass or my assy acoustic, and I'll find somthing I like, and write it down. Most songs I have I write in 3 or so hours, because once I have the main riff down it just flows out new riffs some leads some keyboards all of it. I have never written lyrics yet though and will be looking for a singer soon, and the solos i leave to my friends, but they rely on me to tell them when, where and how long to solo for.

When laying in bed or taking a shower and my mind isn't busy I come up with riffs in my head and I go to write them down, (its kept me up all night before), and I'll just have to get it out and writen.

But if it aint working for you, why try, just to what you think flows, and write down whatever you find, bring it to your buds and add to it.
Just don't sit down and play to WRITE stuff down. Sit down, play guitar, pratice and play some songs you know. Inbetween songs dabble around for a while, just play whatever comes to mind. Continue the process for a while and I usually get something going, and I take it and go from there. If you got something good goin', write it down, keep playing it out and then play a different song, and then go back to the riff you wrote, see if you have another idea for it, and just pound it out. Just make sure your riffs don't sound like the songs that your playing.

Zoning out helps alot too. I usually get my best riffs from school. :rock:
Read a book on writing essays. It's exactly the fucking same technique I use. I only realized this recantly after I learned how I write songs best for me independantly.Then I read a book on writing essays and all the same stuff applys. For example:

Prewriting - You can plan out the general structure here if you want but more importantly come up with tons of random shit, anything you can think of and write it down. I use Powertab to do this I'm sure any computer notation software would be fine. It doesn't matter if it sucks or not or if it sticks together just write a lot of it.

Looking that over: wait a couple minutes and then go back and look at what you came up with does it suck? probably. but some of it's probably pretty good. if you found one thing that you kept doing over and over again it's not gonna be boring, it's going to be your unifying theme. A rhymic device maybe, a key signiture, an instrumention or technique... blah blah blah

Orginzation: Okay, so now you have some good parts and crappy parts and you know what they are, so Seperate them. Take out all the good parts and see what if you have enough, you probably don't but that's okay right now. Do any of them look like an intro, chorus, bridge? Make an outline of song structure and put the pieces in and see if they fit and what's missing.

Free writing again: Somethings probalby missing. Free write again and go through the same process only look for that spesific kind of idea once you're orginzing.

Cleaning up: So now you have sections (paragraphs) now you have to connect them. You can use dovetails, (using the same kind of idea, or music motif at the end of the first phrase and the start of the second phrase) or keep a drum beat the same or something, so that the "train of thought" or flow of the song works.

So that's when I normally have my first draft. Then I normally throw some varations in the sections add a solo (as I normally don't have one worked out by then) probably with some refrence to another section in the back up parts,

Revising: Play it for an honest a couple friend and ask which sections are their favorites and least favorites. Cut their least favorites, they're just going to be trouble and are probably something you're attached to because you like, but don't belong in this song. So remember them for later. After that just listen to your song over a lot and if you hear anything that you think should be changed, change it. Anything that sticks out too much unintentionally, smooth over and all that jazz. I suppose you could go over the grammer in the lyrics at this point if you have them.

Anyway I don't know if that's helpful to anyone but that's what I do. If it helped you I suggest you pick up a book on writing essays. It's pretty easy translate to musical terms and there's been a lot more writing on how to do it well then writin on say, Progressive death metal songs. It's just lucky that the same techniques can apply. Hope I helped someone. :)