waves api collection


Oct 17, 2007
I was wondering if anybody here had tried these and if so what did you think of them. Or if you think their shit recomend a good colection of eqs and compressors.
i strongly recommend the waves ssl bundle. its great. it comes with an eq, an awesome bus compressor, and a channel strip. i havent heard much about the api collection though.
I'm using the API bundle ALOT and it slays!

I don't use the EQ in mastering usually cause the smallest step is 2dB (fine for mixing though), but EQ and compressor sound great!
I used to use the SSL bundle (in the studio I used to work) and the SSL is more versatile (due to the fully parametric EQ), but the API sounds even better and more "real" IMO. (still I'll get the SSL-Bundle as well)
I bought both....I'd agree with LSD's view. SSL is more versatile but the API is slightly more "musical" for lack of a better term.
See, for me, I really dug the API bundle. More so than the SSL. However, I really loved working on SSL consoles... But for some reason, the plugs didn't do the same thing for me. Who knows, API is my pick. The EQs make drums really come alive.
thanks for the replies.

one more question though what would be your choice for a mastering EQ?
i have both and while i have never worked on a console i can tell you they are both great. the ssl channel strips find their way on all the drum tracks and i like the api compressor as a better bus compressor but on this mix i'm doing i used the steven slate settings from the manual on the ssl bus comp and it was really cool on a drum bus.

for eq purposes i heavily prefer the api eq. they are unreal and i feel like they sound more natural and not as "eqd"

i think the api eq and the ssl channel channel strip are the highlights of each bundle. the compressors are both equally good the only reason i would choose the api with a gun to my head is because it is much more versatile and can be more customizable.