Waves L1 Limiter praise?


Jan 31, 2006
This may seem a bit arbitrary considering I'm not going to post examples, but I just want to see if anyone else has had a similar experience. I've been noticing that I really like the sound of my mixes better when using an L1 combined with a conservatively set Gclip. When the L1 is getting no more than 3dbs of gain reduction, I really feel that its pulling the mix together in a less pokey way than some cleaner limiters. I know it has a reputation as a snare killer, but if you've got your drum bus contained before your master bus, I'm seeing nothing but positive attributes on the overall mix. Either that or perhaps I'm just out of my tits.
Love it for killing snares in overheads, although I don't use it much for that lately. I'm starting to like some snare poking on the overheads, as it gives my mixes a bit more snare-air.
I always use it to pocket bass and vocals once I've dealt with everything else.
I think the whole L series bashing stems from people expecting 6dB+ of reduction on the master bus with no ill effects. I believe (if someone knows for sure please chime in) it dates from the 90's before people expected so much reduction from limiters.
Has anyone done a comparison between L1 and the free W1 clone?

I've used W1 for years and finally got L1 when it was on sale. They sound very close to my ears. L1 wins just because it has actual meters though. But I'd be willing to bet that the L1 eats more CPU than W1......
Has anyone done a comparison between L1 and the free W1 clone?

I've used W1 for years and finally got L1 when it was on sale. They sound very close to my ears. L1 wins just because it has actual meters though. But I'd be willing to bet that the L1 eats more CPU than W1......

W1 also has to be bridged in 64-bit DAWs, which suuuuuucks. But I do think they sound pretty similar otherwise.