Waves Question


Stymphalian Productions
May 20, 2006
Ive fucked up one of my waves plugins and im wondering if I re-install the package back to the VST folder etc it was in before when I load my saved DAW projects it will search the folder and recognize everything as normal wont it, with all the same settings?
Fucked up the Rchannel, on boot-up it randomly said "Sorry mate cant find it...." anyway ive just sorted it. Even though it then threw its dummy out and said it cant find 70% of my plugins and showed me more errors than scotch mick. Re-installed most things and it seems to be ok now :) Yay!

I really want the East West Symphonic Choirs pack :( It sounds unreal! Random comment there....:)
Bloody hell! This is great stuff, for some reason choirs amaze me, I can listen to them for days! So that distorted vocal is you? Reminds me of Fields of the Nephlim!

I dont have a clue about how to use it just the samples are brilliant, you program each word manually? ooof :O