Waves Renaissance Bass free on Black Friday

has more controls, works very different, sounds different. I thought it was sorta the same but better.
Hey guys, I've got the serial number for the plugin but decided not to download it immediately. Now it's just hanging in "My products" section of my waves account. How can I download it to activate?
do you know if you have to activate the free rbass plugin before the deal ends or since I already have the serial number for it I can choose to download it and install it on my computer at any time and it will still be free right?
Well I just bought the behemoth bundy bundle from sonic assaults. Can't wait to try out the samples (and podfarm tone). I think I'm going ot buy the waves CLA compressors and something from slate (probably the FG-X).
My guess is Mericans are awake now. I've bought my stuff this morning european time, while they were all asleep.
Hmmm.....I sent my email in a few days ago, got an email from Waves saying I can get the free plugin, but no download link or anything. Their site says the plugin is on sale for $45.....