Waves Tune

Before this turns into an "auto-tune is evil" discussion, I haven't tried this one, but it looks similar to Melodyne, if not a bit user-friendlier. If it can avoid some of the weird artifacts that Melodyne creates, it might be good for having around for singers you just want out of your hair.
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
Anyone here tried this new toy yet ?

So did you land the new Hillary Duff record then? :rock:

gumplunger said:
Before this turns into an "auto-tune is evil" discussion...

I'm not going to say it's evil, but I will say that it's usually faster to get someone to just punch in and do it right in the first place. And that refers to all editing, not just robo-tune.

If someone has no business singing on a record and it's your job (as in you're somehow obligated) to record or mix them, that's another discussion entirely. :p
this functionality, with almost the identical interface, is built into Digital Performer... the upgrade that added the feature was free.
James Murphy said:
this functionality, with almost the identical interface, is built into Digital Performer... the upgrade that added the feature was free.

Yup, I was just gonna post that. Waves has been putting out some lame, overpriced, and unoriginal shit lately - from GTR to Q-Clone and now this.