way off topic: hey look at this x box 360

OfSinsAndShred said:
ONLY a Super Nintendo? Dude, SNES kicks the hell out of modern systems. More great games, and some are pretty much classics now.
hell yes snes rusles!!!!! cool soundtracks too!
SNES is the shit. It has so many classic games on it, like Zelda: A Link to the Past, Chrono Trigger, Super Mario World, and so many other crazy games!!!
^^ Agreed to the fullest extent anyone could ever agree, I was so upset when I finished Mario RPG, I wish they made another one. Battletoads and Double Dragon kicked ass too, I need to get that for the SNES i bought off my friend last year.
That makes 2 of us. What an awesome game that was. I wish I still had my SNES, just so I could play that game over and over again.