Waysted again

Mad Dan McCafferty

Don't Get Mad,Get Waysted
Oct 6, 2004
YES TROOPS, they mighty Waysted have announced thier tourdates for September, now I told you all to catch them last year if you could, AND YOU DIDN'T!!!!!!!!! Well thats not good enough, if you want to see some classic rock from a couple of legends ie Fin and Pete Way get yourself to your nearest gig and rock like a bastard!!!!!

dates here: www.waysted.co.uk
I saw Pete and "Waysted" at the Outlaws gig in Derbyshire last year and they roooooooooooooooooooooccccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkked !:headbang: :headbang:

Tried to see them in Laaandaaan a bit later, but the gigs were cancelled. Look forward to seeing them again soon ! Pete's main band UFO are at the Outlaws' Derbyshire Rock & Blues this year (along with M3/Company of Snakes) and I hope to be there (but it may have already happened !). Don't forget M3 at Great British Beer Festival !!!:kickass: :kickass:


Mad Dan McCafferty said:
now I told you all to catch them last year if you could, AND YOU DIDN'T!!!!!!!!!

Aye and you didn't catch Saxon in Edinburgh did you Dan - or Saxon at the Ferry at the end of April:heh: .

Anyway enough of that, yes I am definitely going to see Waysted in September at the Barfly - that will be a busy week for moi cos I got 4 gigs that week starting with Waysted on the Friday, The Cult on the Tuesday, Limehouse Lizzy on the Thursday and THE MIGHTY BUDGIE ON THE FRIDAY!!! Awesome stuff or what!!!!!
You're right princess I missed the gig again, I'm jinxed I tell you!!!! Roll on the garage gig I'll defo be there, nothing will stop me this time, but going to all 3 waysted dates in Scotland yee haaa!!