WCAR/the color morale style band update

This is seriously badass man! Love the guitar tone, maybe a little too much verb on the snare? Idk, maybe just my personal taste. Either way, sounds amazing dude! GREAT job!
badass man. really sweet mix. snare verb seems to sit nicely from where i am, but its all down to preferences i guess!

who are this band? sick stuff.
snare has a kinda garbage can-ish verb, try putting a some slate snare rooms on there instead and see what happens. feels sorta empty under 80hz, the kick could have more sub and be more mix controlling/pumpy if we're talking TCM. snare and kick sound more periphery/SD2.0-ish lol (but I love that!). guitars feel kinda boxy. vocals are all over the place, try more limiting+automation. and I'd love to hear that bass some more. but this mix and band is fucking awesome none the less, don't think otherwise! great job man.
Snare room is slate dream z4. And the snare is from his actual kit. And kick of course is a blend of some slate kicks. :) but thank you dude! Some things I might be adjusting. I've already made a few minor changes. I'll be posting soon
I will be posting another update, which will be the final final, haha. The master was still really low, and the band wanted a super loud master, so i brought it up some. Just waiting on the approval!
a kickass mix indeed! some things I still don't like though:
- clean vox
- overall harshness
- overall life
- overall punch
- muffled bass
- kick too "in your face"

bass just needs more limiting, presence and a severe 3-5khz boost (perhaps a more stable lowends aswell? it sorta falls away at some parts)
drop some highs on the kick (in the "plastic zone", 6-9khz, the air zone, 10-14 khz and in the smack zone which varies from kick to kick but usualy is around 1,5-3,5 khz)
make the clean vox stand out a bit more from the screamed vox, more delay, automation for phrases and stuff

except for clean vox, bass and kick I think it's all in the mastering chain.

but that's just what I would do, your taste maybe far superior to mine and you'll be the record producer of the century!

but could you tell me what you're using for mastering?
Some things I do agree on. Overall I'm happy with it, bass could have been better unfortunately, and clean vox also. But in the amount of time given with other projects in between, I couldnt be any more stoked :)