WCFYA Summer Festival Edition - 2CD

if this new release had a few more rarities it would be justified,but this is a waste of fucking time,for me i got the australian release cause it come out earlier here than the states and i already have the enhanced on order,i bought the safe home singl just to test out amazon.com but even that had nothing of interest on it!

anthrax are all about quality not quantity and id like to see them stay on that path.
nafnikufesin said:
I'm getting a little worried about Anthrax. They're pulling out all the stops trying to get as many sales out of this album as they can. Does that mean they're going to hang it up if it doesn't sell well?

The "Summer Festival Edition" is basically trying to get fans that already own at least one copy of the album to buy another one. So only true fans are going to buy it. But there is nothing on this CD that a true fan wouldn't already. So the only reason to buy it is to say that you have it, and how many people is that going to impress?

Within three months of release, there are now no less than four different versions of WCFYA. Why? Are they trying to artificially beef up their numbers? Look, I'm a big fan of theirs, but I'm not going to buy four versions of the same album, especially since I don't even think it's one of their better albums. And I know that they may be trying to entice people that haven't bought the album once with a "two for one" promotion, but still, four different versions? If you want to promote the album, release a video to MTV instead of re-releasing it ad nauseum.

I love Anthrax and I want to see them be successful so they'll continue putting out high quality metal. But between Charlie's rants about Texas metal fans and releasing multiple versions of the same album within the span of a couple months, they'll end up alienating the fans they already have instead of making new fans.

This really isn't anything new. I have a Japanese version of Sound of White Noise which has a bonus CD with four b-side tracks on it. I have Fistful of Metal on double LP from Music For Nations in Europe with some of the tracks from Armed and Dangerous I believe, and I have Fistful of Anthrax from Japan. I would like the picture disc some day.

Hell, look at the singles that have been released. I have a 12" Antisocial single, a 12" Antisocial single on amber vinyl, a 12" on red vinyl and a 7" Antisocial single on amber vinyl. There are several versions I don't have. For Black Lodge, I have 2 different CDs, a cassette maxi single, a 7" numbered disc with a poster bag and a 12" picture disc.

Furthermore, this Summer Edition may get some people on the margin who would not have bought the album before to buy it now. They might think "Oh, I am not sure I want the new Anthrax, but look, it's got a Thin Lizzy cover and a Cheap Trick cover. I think I'll buy it now." If so, it has served its purpose.

I also don't really see how this can "alienate" fans. If they don't want it, they won't buy it. I'm sure plenty of a pretty hardcore Anthrax did not buy Return of the Killer A's. I go to see bands I don't own everything from.
....but, you know, a few people are pretty pissed about this 'summer festival edition'......
It's kind of like when you bought a DVD and then they re-release it!
For example, you bought "X-Men" and then, many months later, they release "X-Men 1.5- The Search For More Money"......
Well, that's how some think.....

But I look at it as a new CD for my Anthrax collection!!! Sweeeeeeet!:grin:
It pisses me off when record companies do this, release an album then re-release it a few months later with extra tracks just to rip off the hardcore.
Fair enough if it's a few years later but a couple of months? Thieving bastards! Still I'll be buying this one though.
Also, has anyone noticed that Digipack bonus tracks are often better than those on the normal disc?

e.g, (in Britain)
Fear Factory- "Demanufacture": Resistancia
Fear Factory- "Digimortal": Strain vs Resistance
Machine Head "The More Things Change": My Misery
Those are three original songs as good as anything on the album but somehow are left off and only included as bonus tarcks. I'm sure there are more.