WD at The Ramona Main Stage 3/5/10


May 4, 2003
San Diego, CA
Well, it was a bittersweet night for me as longtime fan of our beloved WD. It was nice to be able to see him and his band, and the venue is actually pretty cool - but it was painful to see such an empty room. The place is clean, has good sound and a good stage - but it is way out in the boonies in Ramona, CA., about 45 minutes outside of San Diego. As he said throughout the night - the crowd was "small but mighty" and we did our best, but having him go on at 11:30 in a city so far removed from any nightlife was questionable, and I know he could have done better playing smaller bars around San Diego (Brick By Brick, Canes). It brought me back to my days of playing in a band - nervously scanning the room hoping for people to come in, and I wanted the best for him - but I'm happy that the band kicked ass and gave the true fans a good night.

They played all of PTTWM and "Tomorrow Turned Into Yesterday" from NM, plus "Taste Revenge" and "Eden Lies Obscured" from Sanctuary. The chick bass player is pretty damn good and for the most part both guitarists covered all the bases and were smiling and headbanging all night. I have to say - 20 years later, "Taste Revenge" still kicks major ass - that was the highlight of the night for sure as the band played it as heavy as anything all night. I'd love to see NM update the sound and re-record it for a bonus track, or at least play it live on tour.

Jim was also there hanging out and I asked about the new NM cd at the end of the night - he said it looks like the release will be June 8th, and that "Warrel and Jeff have taken it to a new level." Thats pretty exciting to hear, so let's hope that CM gets behind it and gets the guys out on a good tour for some exposure.
Warrel's CD is awesome, I've played it it and handed it put to many many of my friends young and old and for the most part they loved it. The music scene in teh US is a tough and vicious bit to chew. Good on all the crowd for showing support.

My favorite show of all time was seeing DNB performed on the night of a blizzard at the I-ROCK in Detroit, at one point my buddy and I counted 22 people and at the peak maybe 45. The trip down took us four hours, the trip back home was six in a driving snow storm. And it was worth every second.