A Fire Inside
Boner to the bone
TheSomberlain said:And we go again.
First, why make such a big fuss? This changes nothing. The Iraqi people are still in misery, the Arab world hates the USA even more. The USA have already accomplished their goal: securing their interests in the Middle East, display they military superiority, and now making sure Bush will sit for another 4 years.
What wrong has Saddam really done? What gives the USA the right to bomb Iraq and dispose of their leader, a man whom they themselves supported with arms and money 15 years ago?
This is all part of the American Game, and I would not be surprised if I found out that they caught Saddam months ago. America reminds me more and more of Germany in the 1930's.
But that's my opinions.
OK, and now? nothing will happen but an increase of terrorist attacks from the Iraki resistance. There will be more people sacrificing their lives for Saddam causing lots of new deaths. Prepare yourselves, Americans, the war hasn't finished, it has just begun.
(OK, I realised that I acted like an Iraki, but it's the fucking truth to me. I only see that it will be the cause for more terrorist actions... It might rise up American Soldier's moral, but nothing more).
I have nothing against all Americans, only against a lot of them. People who voted a chimpanzee to rule their country aren't much clever than the chimpanzee I said. Well, it's very difficult to be as dumb as Bush, but you know what I mean...
And now, fuck Saddam. God save the USA

EDIT: I forgot one thing. You have not caught anybody, I heard somewhere it was the English who discovered Saddam. I think that some guy forgot to pay another and...