we fucking rule


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
ok I know we try to play off the whole "pat yourself on the back" shit for our band on the board. Because let's face it, nothing is worse than a band who is full of themselves. But holy fucking shit, I came back from the studio tonight and I was "glowing" about the new shit. I haven't talked about it much because i was not sure what the other guys were going to come up with for it but man oh man does it fucking rule! I hope that people who dig out stuff will like it even though it is very different than the past albums. I think it will surpass them in terms of sheer brilliance after the finished product gets a chance to sink in. I promise to be mroe modest in my posts after this but to everyone who likes our band, I think you will all LOVE this album.

Also the subject is in reference to our board as well because we also have the coolest fucking band message board EVER.

PS. I am drunk.
You know, if an early copy of this album mysteriously turned up in my letterbox i wouldn't complain...... *hint hint*

But seriously, how long till we get this now? it sounds like it's starting to come together. I have no doubt it will be a great album. The one thing that worries me is i heard it was heavier? My favourite motw parts are the quieter moments, acoustic guitars and such.. i hope there are enough of them left.
man, I can't wait for da evil!

and, btw,


in vino veritas!
YaYo said:
You know, if an early copy of this album mysteriously turned up in my letterbox i wouldn't complain...... *hint hint*

But seriously, how long till we get this now? it sounds like it's starting to come together. I have no doubt it will be a great album. The one thing that worries me is i heard it was heavier? My favourite motw parts are the quieter moments, acoustic guitars and such.. i hope there are enough of them left.

YaYo I think we are still on track for an August or possibly September release at this point. We are getting down to the finish now with the actual recording part but mixing will take a long time. We have every weekend in June booked up solid though to get this thing finished.

As for the heavier thing, it most certainly IS heavier than the last albums. Its not riff heavy but texturally some of these songs will crush you. However, we do have some quiet moments in the songs.
Yo the stuff sounds GREAT!!! I still don't think it's really very evil, but that's not a bad thing. It's very LUSH though. If it sounds this good now, I can't fucking wait to hear it mixed and mastered.
yes, and the psychedelics.

btw dudes, I'm gonna be in Yugoslavia and like not online too much when this album is released, so can I just give you guys cash whenever and my address and you dudes can ship me the goods whenever it comes out?