fucking asshole crackheads

Josh Seipp

Nov 19, 2003
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so yesterday, Janet's brother left the front windows open, after we expressly asked him to make sure they were shut and locked before he left the house. Sure enough, I came home for lunch to find the front window screen sliced open and all the video game systems, games, Janet's iPod, and my FUCKING GUITAR were gone.

It was definitely the same lowlife asshole that broke in to our apartment a few weeks ago because he had such a small window of time (like 1 hour) and knew exactly where to look.

Uhhgggh and I have shows coming up and bills to pay and do NOT have money to buy a new guitar (or used for that matter). FUCK. I mean he's going to replace it for me buyt he doesn't have money right now either.

Luckily our upstairs neighbor is a musclebound maniac with a 30-06 and is out for blood.

but i fucking hate that photographer from return to the pit, at every goddamn show he's up right in the faces of the band and his flash is obnoxiously blinding the audience, and sometimes he even gets onstage with the band and takes pics. like, WTF asshole!!!!
FuSoYa said:
but i fucking hate that photographer from return to the pit, at every goddamn show he's up right in the faces of the band and his flash is obnoxiously blinding the audience, and sometimes he even gets onstage with the band and takes pics. like, WTF asshole!!!!