We got more awards!!!!!

ironeagle said:
lucky people, my dad WAS into sabbath, maiden, rainbow and such and so forth, until some bloke "saved" him and now hes totally against the whole rock thing and thinks it basphamous... etc... so a few years back he tore one of my maiden shirts when he was givin me a bollocking for my brother losing the digital camera, dragged me around when i was just walkin past to get a cuppa tea, tore the collar of it and said i was a satanist and blah blah... how i wish i could go back and stop that bastard so called "saving" my dad... grrrr... took me till i was 14 before i could even tell my dad i liked metal, my mum kept tryna make me stop listening to it... but as every true metal head knows... it never goes away, not when its true! METAL ALL THE WAY

And congrats to CH! good on you guys... METAL!:headbang:

that really sucks, i've know a few people who have exactly that happen to them ... from the all forgiving god squad!! ... i really winds me up ... "in the glare of burning churchs"

thanks everone for your kind words, we hope to come back to and destroy ... maybe at BS05??? who knows
dragonmaiden said:
My daughter is a big metal fan having been brought up in metal! Her favourite band is Gamma Ray and she was very keen to go to BS this year as she wants to meet Kai Hansen. Think it may be a little too much for her though...she was definitely flagging when Eagle and I took her to see Iron Maiden as they closed their set! She's seven BTW!
that is REALLY cool & only 7!!!!
Well my mam grew up going to sex pistol gigs and t-rex gigs etc...haha and my dad seen Ac/DC four times...bastard and seen maiden on their first ever major gig supporting saxon back in 1980...he said they were shit then and they all went to the bar until saxon was on. He has also seen judas priest and shit. Oh how I wish I lived through them days! hehe

Now my mam likes westlife...and my dad likes anything really. But they both like some gamma ray songs and a bit of power metal...just not the really heavy stuff!

They have never said I shouldn't like metal. my parents are great and have always accepted what I wanted to do!

Baletempest said:
my mum was into the old prog rock stuff but it is largely cyberfella's fault for me being a DEATH METAL PSYCHO... MOSH!!!
And its my mums fault im into metal. She was a Black Sabbath/Led Zepplin/Deep Purple kinda person :headbang: .........my dad likes 80's pop :ill:

I went to wacken and Bloodstock, i have to say that wacken was better - Bloodstock wasnt nesseseraly worse tho, it was just different. Although wacken didnt have Cruel Humanity :D