We need a black metal US Tour


New Metal Member
Jul 31, 2002
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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How fucking cool would it be to get all great Black Metal bands together in the world for a tour? And hit everywhere, Dimmu Borgir, Children of Bodom, Graveworm, KALMAH, and everyone else that anyone can think up that would totally rock .. holy shit that is the ultimate concert ... BLACK METAL 2K3 .. next year, I would assume .. It's almost 4 am here sorry for lack of band names, by the way, I'm Thumper, nice to meet you all!
ROTFL! be hailed, but why you didn't noticed black metal bands on your post? all this bands isn't black metal... lol!
Damn it! Everytime you mention Ensiferum, which is ALOT, I want to hear them even more. I went to that one site that you posted at the Skyfire board but it didn't have any mp3s. I really want to hear them though.
Originally posted by IcedEarth556
Damn it! Everytime you mention Ensiferum, which is ALOT, I want to hear them even more. I went to that one site that you posted at the Skyfire board but it didn't have any mp3s. I really want to hear them though.

I'll trade you a CD-R copy...PM me if you want.

It goes w/o saying that if, rather, WHEN you love it, you buy it to support the band, k?

NP: Katatonia - Tonight's Decision
Wow, you responded to that fast...So you only want to trade eh? I dont really have any rare CDs so I dont think I have anything you would want. I could trade you money though. :D
i'd like to see Arche Enemy, Holy Moses, Sinister and Enter Chaos together... and see how Martex crush Angela, Sabina and Rachel - hehehe...
@markgugs: death metal, but... it's hard to resemble to another band. album was wrote by 4 guitarists from 4 bands... that is why some tracks are melodic like swedish bands (In Flames, Gardenian) and other are brutal, technical and sounds like Death, Immolation... we describe ENTER CHAOS as swedish melodic with brutal and technical american death metal plus some psychodelic add. you know, our friend from ambient/trance band recorded samples on this album...

@Opi: could you add some to this describe? (he heard unmastered version)
Originally posted by Eldzik
@markgugs: death metal, but... it's hard to resemble to another band. album was wrote by 4 guitarists from 4 bands... that is why some tracks are melodic like swedish bands (In Flames, Gardenian) and other are brutal, technical and sounds like Death, Immolation... we describe ENTER CHAOS as swedish melodic with brutal and technical american death metal plus some psychodelic add. you know, our friend from ambient/trance band recorded samples on this album...

@Opi: could you add some to this describe? (he heard unmastered version)

Thanks, that sounds pretty damned cool. Guitars make me salivate anyway, so an album written by 4 of them should be pretty kick-arse.
sounds cool, because IS fucking cool :) ofcourse, always could be better, but it's great. all 9 songs (+ At The Gates cover) are very good... without boring tracks :)
definitely! as an example:
the version I've heard of the song "blood desire" is a very clever combination of melodic death (guitar patterns and solos) and heavy "pumping" rhythm-section. the mastered version must sound even more killer tho!!
very interesting stuff throughout, the songs never get boring (the bass patterns are amazing to me) . I'm really curious for the mastered album!
@Opi: thank you, thank you, thank you :) you'll write EC reviews i hope? when i'll send you album ofcourse ;) speak about bass... it's funny because bassman had secondary-school leaving examination during session. he was in the studio a few days, but not recorded any tracks. finally bass recorded guitarist, but it's very funny. none of them never played on bass... hehehe... to tell the truth we wanted Firana of Trauma, but he was on tour with Trauma, then Mistrust. he is polish Steve D. or Tyr ;) but maybe he will be session bassist on EC tour...
yeah... we wanted genious on bass like Firana... we a little dissatisfied bass section, but maybe next time... just listen new Vintersorg. bass it's very important on VFTSG and we wanted that same... :(