We need your Deathmetal opinion!!

Choose your 2 favorite songs!!

  • Funeral For The Living

    Votes: 10 37.0%
  • Breeding In Decay

    Votes: 13 48.1%
  • Rituals

    Votes: 11 40.7%
  • Welcome The Dead

    Votes: 14 51.9%

  • Total voters


Sep 10, 2005
Sweden of course
Hey! We are a death metal band from Sweden called Daemonicus!
We are in desperate need of your expertise in a serios matter.
Our first demo was just recorded (realesed 060606) with 4 songs.
Now we need your assistance in picking out the 2 best songs!:rock:
So please check them out for us and vote for your favorites!
We'll be looking forward to hearing from you!

damn... only swedes are able to create and record four death metal songs with all soli and shit within four months! i'm jealous *g*

but next time turn the volume of the vocals a bit lower ;)

my vote goes to breeding in decay and funeral for the living
Evil shit! That's how I like it. my votes go to Funeral for the living and Welcome The Dead.

If you need a review for one of your cd's one day, just contact me. I'm writing for ring-of-metal.com.
Those are some pretty great demo songs. I would be very excited to hear a full length album. I am really glad you posted this in Bloodbath's forums or else I most likely would have never been able to hear these songs. I really dig "Rituals", it may sound odd but to me that song really sounds like a seamless mixture of Bloodbath's Breeding Death and Ressurection through Carnage albums (sound wise). Thanks :rock:
We are glad you guys seems to like our music!! The poll votes is a close matter, but we REALLY glad you help us whith choosing the 2 songs to send to the record companies.
i'm new in this forum but i think you guys have good sound very brutal an itresting i think you're a band that we have to keep the eyes on i'll gave you a 9 and i select song 2
have to say that im proud of my brother and the rest of daemonicus. You guys produce more gore than no other!
We are aware of the "voice to high" problem, we got a little "deaf" in the end of the mixing. Because we recorded the lyrics (the music was recorded earlier), produced, mixed, mastered. All within 5 days, and everything by ourselfs. There was many beers involved and very little sleep! :kickass:
Our deadline was the Sweden Rock Festival, we finished the same morning we where supposed to go (the date turned out to be 060606 :lol: ). At the festival we handed out copies of our demo to anyone who wanted one. It turned out to be quite many..
We want to thank everybody who took the time to vote and post a coment to our songs. Hail to you!!!!:rock:

The scoore was very even divided between the songs, and therefore are we planing to send all songs on the demo to every recordlabel who might be interested in some kickass death metal!!!