Weakest Link - Deathcult for Eternity: The Triumph - Round 1

Nov 23, 2002
Now that Through Gardens of Grief has championed TRITSIO, we're on to Deathcult....

1 - Revenge Rises/Drowned in the Mournful Blood
2 - No Mercy (Our Time is Near)
3 - I'm the Hateful Raven
4 - A Portal To Nowhere
5 - Chanelling the Bleeding Over the Dream's Remains
6 - Possessed By Past Tragedies (Tragic Shadows)
7 - Apocalypse
8 - In Superior Torment...
9 - The Triumph (of My Loss..)

Choose the two weakest tracks. I'm not going to vote yet.
Hhmmm, I can't really be bothered to listen through this album again just to decide the worst two tracks, which seems meaningless to me.

I find The Chasm track titles hard to match up to particular songs anyway, because for me the albums are approached as one piece of music which develops from beginning to end - as indeed I think was the intention.

I just don't see the worth of this thread.
i approach all albums that way and yet still have my personal favourite tracks, lighten up scrooge. this thread has no purpose other than to satisfy my chronic autism, but thats still infinitely more purpose than 99% of the threads on this board have
MasterOLightning said:
Which one of your favorite albums are you doing next? Beyond the Wandering Moon? Nespithe? Incorrigible Bigotry? Keep spitting out the overrated GMD hit list.

I swear you must listen to the highly rated albums on this forum once before forming an opinion which you stick with for years afterwards. C'mon, Beyond the Wandering Moon, overrated? Even on this forum? Not fucking likely.

I need to spin this CD before voting. Gonna be a fucking hard one.
I am going to have to go with 7 and 8, since they don't stick in my head as much as the others...=/
Décadent said:
I swear you must listen to the highly rated albums on this forum once before forming an opinion which you stick with for years afterwards. C'mon, Beyond the Wandering Moon, overrated? Even on this forum? Not fucking likely.
I generally have heard most of the popular albums here outside of the Swedish death scene. I even bought BtWM just a week or two ago. It didn't strike me as being that great, but somewhat interesting. I need more time with it. I don't rip on stuff I haven't heard (unless it's power metal).

To stay on topic, I don't really remember any song on here by name, and I'd have to listen to the whole thing again to vote. I've made no secret of it that I don't really like this album, so there's not much else to say.
The general populace have made it general knowledge that this isn't an EASY album to enjoy, as the production can be pretty hard to get over. The key to the most rewarding (and thusly, in your opinion, overrated) albums is persistence. Don't dismiss albums just because they fail to arouse you in the first half a dozen listens.
Beyond The Wondering Moon ?.

(Note* only have conjuration of the spectral empire only hearing deathcult a few times.... can't vote)
The Greys said:
Beyond The Wondering Moon ?.

(Note* only have conjuration of the spectral empire only hearing deathcult a few times.... can't vote)
Amazing Black Metal album with deep vocals and a thick thick atmosphere, evil as hell.