Weakest Link - Deathcult for Eternity: The Triumph - Round 1

7's the one I found most difficult to get my head around I recall (the two I've voted for were actually amongst the easiest), but it fucking rules.
2 and 5 i guess

MasterOLightning said:
To stay on topic, I don't really remember any song on here by name, and I'd have to listen to the whole thing again to vote. I've made no secret of it that I don't really like this album, so there's not much else to say.
so why did you post in this thread stupid
I'm gonna have to go for 2 and 5.

Number 7, Apocalypse, should win this whole thing! An absolutely astoundishly beautiful song! Perhaps the best they have done.
I've listened to Deathcult a lot and I don't understand the hype around this album. Sounds quite overblown to me.

Any song on Conjuration> Deathcult(with the exception of Portal to Nowhere, the only memorable residue of that wankfest:cool: )

I'll vote for 2 and 9 as the weakest anyway
Conjuration... is a whole lot more neat than Deathcult, but it lacks the wild, primeval quality the latter possesses, and its development generally isn't as explorative or advanced. It's still brilliant in its own right, but not quite the epic Deathcult... is, methinks.