weapon within show review


Rome 64 C.E.
May 17, 2006
So, i met kevin, tyler and tyler's girlfriend at the show. They are all really awesome people.
The show started with a gay ass metalcore shred band in which one of the guitarists was using an alexi laiho esp....
then a shit band that sounded like static with horrible screams and falsettos...that band made me cringe at points.
Then Weapon Within came on stage. They opened with CLR, and then played a song called "envy" if i'm not mistaken, then a song i don't know, then part of the epic song in works kevin told me about, and they closed with my fav, All I feel. I sang along to the chorus of that song ("now is over" part). The songs were rape-tastic live. They were on the spot and had great sound and energy. I was in front of kevin and near the guitarist with somewhat longer hair that was using PRSs for six strings. (dunno his name). The guy shredded some big ass nice solos. The solo trade in All I feel was epic. The singer sang better than on the recording they have on myspace. By the end of their set people were headbanging.a channel 77 on comcast crew filmed the show for some TV show. I ran into the camera guy following the singer a few times. People in the back moshed for a bit at some point durin all i feel. There were like 40 people or so there. What a shame, cause it was awesome. After WW's set i had to leave, as i was leaving i saw some people heading to the merch stand. I hope they bought weapon within shirts. Tyler and I got one each. Got some stickers, which i will stick on some shit eventually.
Congrats Kevin and Weapon Within for very awesome show and I'm looking forward to see you live again. Your music is awesome so pull the strings you have to pull and get big cause imho you can and you deserve it.
Tyler you should post a review too, when you get back home.
Shredtastic show! I stayed to the end and my ears are still ringing.

What an awesome bill! I don't care what lordofthesewers says, I like Solace in Black! 2 Headed Chang and S2C are, of course, excellent always. But most of all, I'm glad I finally got to see Weapon Within -- great line up and great stuff. Just an over all killer show. :rock:
I have some pictures, however turns out my camera was having ISSUES. I'll see if I can salvage a few photos anyway.

I got to the show around 9:00, and met kevin outside. Talked for a bit, then went in to a band of which I paid little to no attention to. Was still the first band so I just stood in the back and waited with Lila for a while.

The band finished, and Paul happened to be standing right infront of me, so I met up with him, and we hung around till the next band, which, wasn't HORRIBLE, but WAY too loud and covering for many mistakes, with a god-awful singer who couldn't hit the falsetto he sounded like he was intending to. The last song wasn't bad though.

So, as that band was pulling their equipment off the stage, Paul Souyoultzis talked to us a bit because he noticed we had Weapon Within t-shirts on, and of course we stood infront of kevin.

When the music started, I must say, it was very clear, very loud, and very exhilarating. I was taken aback to the amazing sound coming from the band, and how well they worked together. It was a huge leap from the band that played previously, with their extremely loud inaudible riffs and jumbled music.

The bass tone was absolutely astounding, and the guitars sounded great. The vocals were, as Paul described, much better than the recordings on MySpace. They totally blew me away.

I tried to get some photos of Kevin, Paul, and the vocalist, but we'll see how well they come out, whenever I find the bloody cord for this thing...

Nightshade: You should have said you were down, would have been cool to have met you!
I may not LIVE in Seattle, but whenever there's a show worth seeing at Studio Seven, I'm there... Which has only brought me there twice. Ever.
studio seven is a pretty nice venue. I like it better than El Corazon and the Showbox. But the area where it is at, it is so ghetto. bleah the industrial area of seattle.
A funny thing, during the first band, they started a 2 people moshpit. I just laughed at them and the 2 people moshing on shit music.
Thanks dudes, the show was totally awesome. I haven't played that venue since my last band first started playing shows. It was good to be back up there again, the sound is so great. All the bands were rad and the beer was extra tasty. A good night!

Tyler, Paul... word up homies. Thanks for coming out, you fuckin rock. Nice to meet Lila as well.

Yeah buddy.