
had i known that baseball bats, hockey sticks, box cutters, pocket knives, steak knives, and (for fuck's sake) rakes could be included, my list would have been a shade longer... i have a stapler and my daughter has a 3-bladed pencil sharpener that looks pretty evil.
skinnywhiteboy said:
had i known that baseball bats, hockey sticks, box cutters, pocket knives, steak knives, and (for fuck's sake) rakes could be included, my list would have been a shade longer... i have a stapler and my daughter has a 3-bladed pencil sharpener that looks pretty evil.

The daughter counts as a weapon herself, too, don't forget. I have two of them.
L33ch said:
The stuff Knarfi is referring to, the drain de-clogging liquid, is a solution of Sodium H.y.d.r.o.x.ide in water. (wtf? hy-drox (without dash) is filtered?)

NO not liquid! That doesnt work, but the chemicalls might be the same, all i know is that the stuff reacts very heavy with aluminium..
skinnywhiteboy said:
double barreled daughters, nice! costly weapons to maintain, too

dont think about it in terms of cost but investment..as far as i can imagine those are the only weapons capable of making themselves stronger everyday...
L33ch said:
The stuff Knarfi is referring to, the drain de-clogging liquid, is a solution of Sodium H.y.d.r.o.x.ide in water. (wtf? hy-drox (without dash) is filtered?)
It's the retarded filtering program they uploaded. They assume you're talking about hydroponically grown marijuana.
i have this axe forged in the 1850s by the guy who restaured the Notre Dame cathedral during the 2nd Empire in france (Napoleon the 3rd ~1848-1871).
In my street, every year there are people selling stuff including imperial swords which are honestly beautiful... i don't have enough money to buy them (something like 400 to 600 euros) but they are really magnificent.

or else i have a replica of an mp5 but in bb gun. i'm in this airsoft association.
Celtik Militia said:
In my street, every year there are people selling stuff including imperial swords which are honestly beautiful... i don't have enough money to buy them (something like 400 to 600 euros) but they are really magnificent.

God that sounds absolutly wonderful, i wish i was there and had the money for one of those =P
Celtik Militia said:
i have this axe forged in the 1850s by the guy who restaured the Notre Dame cathedral during the 2nd Empire in france (Napoleon the 3rd ~1848-1871).
In my street, every year there are people selling stuff including imperial swords which are honestly beautiful... i don't have enough money to buy them (something like 400 to 600 euros) but they are really magnificent.

or else i have a replica of an mp5 but in bb gun. i'm in this airsoft association.

You CAN afford a legendary axe, but CANT afford a common (dont get me wrong with common though) sword? :p