Montreal Shooting!

Dude, it's a matter of principle. To some people, it's almost as big a deal as if someone went around flashing a cross, who really hated Jesus.
You guys are forgetting that i am one of those nuts who lives and breathe's metal. So when my friends are listening to Weezer or Dresden Dolls and flash the horns and headbang, yes i want to kick them in the face. You may think it's an overreaction, but it is frustrating and offensive to see people take a meaningful symbol and turn it into something trivial.

I'd be just as upset if the backstreet boys started to wear corpsepaint and loincloths.
why? because it encroaches on the sacred icons of metaldom? i find that just really childish, and almost in line with the attitude espoused by people like the nutcase who this thread is about. the world didn't suit them (as of course it should not) but they let this seriously affect their mentality and acted violently in response. it's revenge of the attention whores....

i am not aiming to offend you, however i find that defending that argument is purely ridiculous.
Well, I find you defending your argument purely rediculous. I'm the kind of person who finds my music to be more important to me than my life itself. I might not live and breathe metal as much as Zach, but I still know when a symbol is misused.
Kenneth, tell me something. What religion are you? Because how would you feel if someone was completely misusing your religion's symbol? It would anger you, right? The entire point is that it's the misuse of such a classic symbol. Music is as important to me as religion is to most people, so I take offense to someone misusing the Horns, just as a christian would take offense to someone misusing the Crucifix. It's the principle of the fact that an important symbol is being misused.
Also i don't mean to sound like i would actually cause physical harm to anyone just because of the misuse of a symbol. I understand how i came off, but it's more incredible annoyance. But Ptah nailed it when he said music is more important than my life. In fact, i find music to be more important than any one life is concerned (as i believe most people at this forum would agree). Listening to some albums such as Kamelot's Karma, Emperor's Anthems to Welken at Dusk, and so many others are as close to a "spiritual" experiance as i've ever had myself.

Don't get me wrong Kenneth, i understand completely where you are coming from. We just have different attitudes. I'm not saying music is any less important to you than it is to me, but i subscribe to the ridiculous metal stereotypes. Fuck man, i laugh at all of the metal stereotypes, then take it upon myself to embody them fully... except the corpsepaint. Haven't done that one yet.
1. It's "R-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s"

2. That you feel people flashing a symbol outside the context with which you view it is more important than your life is, to me, disappointing.

3. I'd be angry and all riled up because somone misused or misrepresented symbols related to my beliefs? Not much. I'd be far more concerned with their ignorance of such symbols and saddened that the world has regressed to such a depraved state where conformity and laziness breed more ignorance than Einstein even could reluctantly imagine.

4. As for my statements about the media and metal iconography, those reflect my frustration with the above-stated world where the media and those who pay attention to it are equally mindless in their perception, unable to move themselves from complacency to individual wisdom.
Ptah Khnemu said:
I once saw Eminem flash the horns, and I nearly threw up

did you guys ever see the time when George W. flashed the metal fist, and apparently offended all of Norway? I dunno that was pretty big news when it came out lol. Apparently its (I think) the symbol for some Texan school/sport organization his daughters are involved with?? Not 100% there but that's how I remember it.. yeah I wouldn't have minded punching him in the face over that (I just want to do it anyway, that would have given me an excuse, a poor one, but an excuse)
Lol, George W. is just a complete moron. He claimed it was the symbol for that Texan team but really is WAS the horns.

In order to successfully flash 'the horns', one must have the index and pinky extended while having the two middle fingers bent towards the inside of the hand, with the thumb accompanying them. This is exactly what he did.
What he claimed to have been doing was the longhorns symbol or whatever the fuck it was called. This is the same except the thumb also stretches outward, as opposed to joining the middle fingers to the inside.

In conclusion, George Bush flashed the Horns wether he admits it or not. (and LOL at Norway being super pissed, I never heard that part before :lol:)
Tubbs Mcgee said:
Make it three! :danceboy:
Thank you Tubbs!!!

And Zach, as for the albums you mentioned, Karma is definitely one of my all time favorite metal albums.:rock: And another one to add onto the list in my case is V. Every single time I listen to it, it's like a religious experience. Kenneth, the way you're defending your argument, combined withthe people that you're arguing against almost sounds like you're trying to shoot down someone else's faith. My faith in my music is on the same level as any church-goer's faith in God. And that's why I'm taking offense to the fact that you're criticising the fact that that's how I react to the misuse of a symbol that pretty much is a part of my faith in my music.
SilentRealm said:
did you guys ever see the time when George W. flashed the metal fist, and apparently offended all of Norway? I dunno that was pretty big news when it came out lol. Apparently its (I think) the symbol for some Texan school/sport organization his daughters are involved with?? Not 100% there but that's how I remember it.. yeah I wouldn't have minded punching him in the face over that (I just want to do it anyway, that would have given me an excuse, a poor one, but an excuse)

Oh, I saw that know, the weird part of it was that if he'd been in a t-shirt and jeans, he might've actually been able to pass himself off as a fan of Metallica or something. He had just the right expression.

BTW, the horns are the symbol for Texas A & M, which is a large university. MrFast can't try and claim it isn't because I used to live in Texas and I know for a FACT that A & M has a long record of using the horns--their sports teams are called the Longhorns.
Hi Rose Immortal,

Actually, the Longhorns belong to the University of Texas, not A&M. A&M are the Aggies. Those two teams just HATE each other.

Back on the subject, yeah I can picture George W trying to do the 'Hook em Horns' sign and botching it up to where it comes out to the metal horns. *Sighs,* that's our fearless leader for you.
Haha, you can tell I moved away many years ago.

But yeah, it was supposed to be the "Hook 'em Horns" sign. I've seen others do it--and honestly it's just about indistinguishable from the metal horns.
Ptah Khnemu said:
Thank you Tubbs!!!

And Zach, as for the albums you mentioned, Karma is definitely one of my all time favorite metal albums.:rock: And another one to add onto the list in my case is V. Every single time I listen to it, it's like a religious experience. Kenneth, the way you're defending your argument, combined withthe people that you're arguing against almost sounds like you're trying to shoot down someone else's faith. My faith in my music is on the same level as any church-goer's faith in God. And that's why I'm taking offense to the fact that you're criticising the fact that that's how I react to the misuse of a symbol that pretty much is a part of my faith in my music.
I believe that's a logical incongruity, but I won't divert this thread to get into why.
Well latest news... a kid at another school in canada posted on that he was going to go shoot up a bunch of kids at hudson high, claiming the killer was a hero...this teenager was arrested right away, and his house is being searched for weapons, and all his computer stuff was taken...for this kids sake he better have been telling the truth
proulxski said:
Well latest news... a kid at another school in canada posted on that he was going to go shoot up a bunch of kids at hudson high, claiming the killer was a hero...this teenager was arrested right away, and his house is being searched for weapons, and all his computer stuff was taken...for this kids sake he better have been telling the truth
Sounds exactly like what they do in my town now. Good job on the cops' part.