Oculus ex Infirni. The legions of Hell form and start conjuring all sorts of magic to waste away at the gate which leads to the mortal world (in this case, Earth). The song ends with the gateway opening and the legions pouring out.
Set the World on Fire. Pretty self-explanatory. All is quiet up until the first power chord, which is like an atom bomb of energy destroying a big chunk of Earth. Explosions are rampant throughout the Planet as the legions of Hell and the Great Eyes infest the planet. A winged demon comes to rescue two humans who'll repopulate the planet once it's destroyed. It flies them to safety.
Domination. The demon takes the couple to....Babylon....and they watch as it's utterly destroyed by a legion summoned from the demon. The ravage of Earth is complete.
Serpent's Kiss. The demon instills a dark, lustful side into the man and he rapes the woman he's with. The woman doesn't offer much resistance at the end.
Paradise Lost. The evil spirit in the man leaves and he realized what he's done. He leaves the woman and wanders the Earth alone. An angel in Heaven is watching the events transpire and weeps as the end of humans has come.
Eve of Seduction. The man comes to a huge cliff. With all the emotions bottled up in him he sees comfort in falling to his death, which he does so.
The Walls of Babylon. Heaven's armies descend upon Babylon, the main fortress of Hell on earth. God commands His army to tear down the walls of Babylon so that Hell's legions cannot erect the city again.
Seven. God sees all life on Earth as corrupt and begins judging everything, even the lone woman left alone. She barely survives a life threatening judgment while most of Hell's legions are destroyed. God begins to bring dominon over the planet once again.
Sacrifice. The voice of the man's spirit comforts the woman. She knows he's sorry and she forgives him.
Revelation. The remnants of Hell on earth are being wiped clean. The winged angel who saved the humans is running from God. The song is basically him trying to convice God that he's a good demon and wasn't on Satan's side since he saved two humans. In the end God locked the winged demon away for dooming the human race (basically causing the man to commit suicide for deeds he had no control over). The end signifies the woman giving birth to a child.
Pretty deep cuz good (the child) came from evil (the demon putting an evil spirit into the man) and the human race is allowed to prosper.
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