Paradise Lost my interest


New Metal Member
Aug 31, 2003
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What the hell was the problem with Paradise Lost?

The stage presence was almost no existant. They just stood there. The vocalist kept nipping off to the side for a fag. When he was on stage it was even worse as all he did was moan and sling insults.

I thought their attitude sucked! They seemed disappointed that people were shouting out for songs they knew. Surely people were only shouting requests as they wanted to hear popular songs and this shows support for the band and not criticism of the songs they played. Being a festival, people were not there just to see the one band (myself included) and surely we can be forgiven for not wanting to hear obscure songs. This was not a gig just for Paradise Lost fans. Those of us with a passing interest could easily be put off by their arrogant and annoying behaviour.

Overall I got the impression that they didn't want to be there and were just going through the motions on some of the songs. This is a shame as I was looking forward to seeing them.

Far better performances on day 2 came from Illuminatus (very good) and Edguy (don't know who they are, but they were amazing) among many others. Day 1 was worth it for 5th Man Down and Power Quest.

I even prefered Saracen to Paradise Lost and I never thought I'd say that! :ill:
We also noticed the bass player nipping to the side for a fag and whats with all the samples being used?? I relise that using them nowdays is the norm but if your setlist relies on keyboards then get a keyboard player, Mercury Rain were the worst offenders as far as I could tell.
Zetor said:
We also noticed the bass player nipping to the side for a fag and whats with all the samples being used?? I relise that using them nowdays is the norm but if your setlist relies on keyboards then get a keyboard player, Mercury Rain were the worst offenders as far as I could tell.

Have you any idea how hard it is to get a decent power metal keyboard player in the UK ?? Hmmm... I thought not.

Could you play drums to a headphone click track for 35 minutes ? That's what our drummer has to do. One beat out and the whole band is screwed. Add that to the pressure of the main stage at Bloodstock, and I don't think that a click tracks or samples are some kind of 'easy option' as seems to be implied.

We never intended for the click track to be a long-term solution, but it got us out & gigging...

Anyway, I don't want a row about it, but as it happens we *may* have some live keyboard related news in the MR camp fairly soon. So hopefully no more clicks for us.

Our drummer will be pleased !
Did you pay any attention to how well paradise lost played the songs? I do agree about their attitude being a fair bit 'off' but they did a very good show
I really didn't enjoy Paradise Lost. Not only did I find their performance samey and boring, I didn't like their music or their attitude. While it is a good point that music comes first... part of the metalfest attraction for me is the fact that members of your favorite bands act like they are real people, they walk around and have pints and genuinely love their fans. Paradise Lost acted (and looked, for that matter) like a band you would find at the Carling Weekend. It's just my opinion and it's a bit of a strongly worded first post but it's what I thought!
Joe5now said:
While it is a good point that music comes first... part of the metalfest attraction for me is the fact that members of your favorite bands act like they are real people, they walk around and have pints and genuinely love their fans.

Totally agree - BLAZE was never in his dressing room as far as I could tell, and last time I saw him he was manning a merchandise stall. Awesome !!
I used to be abig paradise Lost fan, but I lost interest acouple of albiums ago. I,ve seen them a few times and to be honest they have been heading in this direction for some time. Nick Holmes has never been the life and soul of the party but last night was really beyond a joke, all the snide comments and all.
Now Edguy is how it should be done. Whata frontman.
Didn't get Nightwish at all, half decent music with a woman singing right over th top of it.
All in all though truly excellent two days. Cant wait to next year.
Personally i though paradise lost played a good tight set and there was a definite energy up at the front. People are complainin about there 'attitude problem' but it was understandable because some idiots were yellin abuse from the front throughout the whole set and during songs.

I also think that the criticisms of Mercury Rain were a bit unreasonable, IMO i thought they played a good set of atmospheric tracks and did a good job for warming up the festival - no easy task i would imagine. Bought the album and it's great.
I agree that people should give Mercury Rain a break, it can't be easy warming up a big festival especially when the headliners have a female lead also, because it's bound to attract more unwarranted criticism. As an up and coming band I wish them all the luck in the world, I thought they did a great job. Using samples isn't a problem so long as it's done right, and MR did that adequately. I remember picking up an MR flyer from the festival last year!
I have never liked Paradise Lost and that performance did nothing to change my mind. Compare to bands who seemed to enjoy themselves Dragonforce Edguy(Still heartbroken about Hammerfall) and Powerquest they were definitely on the wrong bill.
"Have you any idea how hard it is to get a decent power metal keyboard player in the UK ?? Hmmm... I thought not."

Shame there isn't more out there in the UK, I don't know why countries like Germany and Finland seem to come up with so many good keyboard players.

"Could you play drums to a headphone click track for 35 minutes ? That's what our drummer has to do. One beat out and the whole band is screwed. Add that to the pressure of the main stage at Bloodstock, and I don't think that a click tracks or samples are some kind of 'easy option' as seems to be implied."

Can't play drums at all:) I didn't mean to imply it was an easy option, I just wondered the reason why you didn't have one, you answered this above, thanks.

"We never intended for the click track to be a long-term solution, but it got us out & gigging..."
Good to hear

"Anyway, I don't want a row about it, but as it happens we *may* have some live keyboard related news in the MR camp fairly soon. So hopefully no more clicks for us."

Indeed I certainly wasn't looking to argue, maybe it's just me being a little picky but when I see a band and I hear keyboards with no one playing it just seems strange, I did enjoy your performance and hope you can get a good KP, I'm sure you would agree it will add to your stage presence and maybe we will see Mercury Rain higher up the bill next time.

No worries dude - and glad you enjoyed the set - we had a ball. To be honest, getting the keyboard player is to save our drummer's ears from anymore hearing loss rather than ethics, but I know what you mean...

Believe me, if our possible keyboard solution works out, we'll have no worries on the quality of the ivory tinkling :)
I thought Mercury Rain had a Great set! ... I was at the front ... as i was all day that day hehe ... and i thought MR were awesome ... Best luck in the future MR .. you kick ass big time! ... And for the people who are dissing MR for there lack of a keyboard player ... I think your being a little too harsh ... you should except there state . . . people may say its hard to get a keyboard player for the job hear ... i can disagree with that .... wats hard is ... and the most difficult thing about the job is to choose the right one for the band ... there are many out there that are after the place ... but most you may not like ... IE there style on how they play .... there Attitude ...there respect and behavior... Think before you diss people ... it tales gut.. REAL GUT to do what Mercury and the other bands do and i say untill you have actually done what these guys (girls :p) have done... then i sugest you dont share comments which are on the negative side ... cos after all these bands are here for YOU ... And the last thing they wont to hear is remarks that knok there sound ...

My thanks to you Mercury Rain ... i can safley say you were Gods along with the others for those precious minuites you had on stage !

Keep it real

I didn't see much of Paradise Lost because they're not my thing, but I knew that before hand. However so many people seemed disenchanted with then I now wonder if maybe they'd have been better received if they'd done a signing session before hand. I went to the signings of Blaze, Saracen, Masterplan & Edguy and of all of these bands were friendly & approachable and the fans had already begun to warm to them before the hit the stage.

Just a thought!
Bearintown said:
Nick Holmes has never been the life and soul of the party but last night was really beyond a joke, all the snide comments and all.
Now Edguy is how it should be done. Whata frontman.
Didn't get Nightwish at all, half decent music with a woman singing right over th top of it.
All in all though truly excellent two days. Cant wait to next year.

Nick really has lost it. I love the music of Paradise Lost (well except for Host) but he is such a miserable git. Last time they played in Newcastle his opening shot was "hello you northern c*nts" and he was as bad on Saturday. He seems to have a problem because UK fans don't buy the albums, but then they were the ones who decided to totally change direction after their best album. Mind you I wonder how the rest of the band feel about Nick's antics, cause I've met them all and they're top blokes. Can't agree with you about Edguy though - awful!
I thought his attitude on saturday was very... "We should be headlining". Though from what you say, he's always like that? I've not heard them before or anything but my local metal guru definately says they are not the band they once were and from the little I've heard that seems like the case.
their overall song quality sounded great... they wasnt very enthusiastic though.. and i was prety shocked when they shouted at people calling for requests
I Found Them Tedious, Is A Shame Coz I Loved Their Old Stuff... Nothing Was Wrong Really Just With Every Other Band I Was Really Enchanted And Felt Energy, And Presence From The Stage But With Them I Was Just Bored And Found Nothing I Particularly Tapped My Toes To, Was Jus Not Very Entertaining Really And His Attitude Really Was Crappy And Off Putting...
Edguy Where Amazing And The Front Man Was Great Altho His English Accent Sounded A Lil Camp At First Lol :)but He Rocked