Paradise Lost my interest

I think Paradise Lost showed a real lack of judgement on Saturday.

If they had stuck to the old stuff from when they were a proper metal band then they would have gone down a lot better, even with the snide comments from Nick Holmes.

I thought Paradise Lost were probably the weakest band on the bill, which is a shame, as had they played their cards right they could have been much, much stronger.

I thought Mercury Rain did very well, they managed to entertain me, even though I'm not into gothic metal.
Yes, I share your impressions too. I was looking foward to check PL out but although I enjoy the music, and although they played some ole'ones (Hollow, etc), their attitude pissed me off quickly and I left... That's very unfortunate they seem to bite now the hand that fed them ...
Paradise Lost were the worst band of the weekend no contest :yuk:
They were not interested in the fans or what they played, in fact having watched their guitarist he wasnt even playing what came out of the speakers. It must have been a backing track. I only watched while waiting for Nightwish who made the suffering worthwhile.
You make it sound so awful, it was NOT the worst show of the day and is not the worst attitude ive seen at a show by far. If I was in a band that had changed style like that I wouldnt want to play mostly old stuff, id want to play what I like (reason for changing style), fair enough a request or 2 would have been nice of them but come on!
stuff the music, it was good, but if i wanted to listen to the music id have stayed home and listend to the CD. even tho the music was pretty good regardless weather they played new or old stuff, but that didnt make up for the crappy showmanship, they didnt move at all, it was fukin boooooooooooooring!!!!! the onyl people who would have enjoyed that would be die hard fans who would like em regardless of what they do, but compared with all the other bands, especially edguy they suked ass!!! and i agree bout the attitude thing and how much they involved the audince, i meen for the other bands they were never away from the front of the stage to slap fans hands and chuck out picks, but paradise lost did none of that, i tihnk the lead singer went past the floor monitor speaker things once! lowlight of the evenging, defiantly not worth 2nd on the bill, nightiwhds i thhnk made up for em tho, i love it when women headbang
prince_of_darkness54321 said:
compared with all the other bands, especially edguy they suked ass!!! and i agree bout the attitude thing and how much they involved the audince, i meen for the other bands they were never away from the front of the stage to slap fans hands and chuck out picks, but paradise lost did none of that, i tihnk the lead singer went past the floor monitor speaker things once! lowlight of the evenging, defiantly not worth 2nd on the bill, nightiwhds i thhnk made up for em tho, i love it when women headbang

Well it would be pretty boring if we all liked the same stuff. Personally I thought Edguy and Nightwish were pants but it gave me time to enjoy a drink and try to spot bands. (Anyone else spot the Iced Earth guitarist?) Paradise Lost have never slapped hands etc. with fans or chucked picks out, but when I've seen 'em before Greg made a point of giving some to my 12 year old. He actually doesn't have loads of personalised picks. They're just not very "rock star". When I've met the band before they were all sound. I was discussing this with my mate and in a mail to me he summed it up perfectly thus: "Nick Holmes is one of the reasons apart from the Host album that I went off PL, I got sick of him whinging in the press about nowt. At first I thought it was just his quirky personality, that Yorkshire dry wit and all that. I mean this is a guy who road his motorbike across Australia for Charity, he was absolutely sound when we met him at RIOS but slowly,
as time went by I just came to the assumption that he really was just a miserable git. It's probably because he was in a band that headlined the Dynamo festival in 95 (i think, maybe 94) when the Dynamo was dragging in 100K people, they also played on the main stage at Donnington under Kiss and Ozzy in 96, but all of a sudden the arse dropped out of his world because the band
decided to experiment so much that they alienated allot of there
hard-core fan base. I know most bands want to keep renventing themselves and keep pushing the envelope but I really think that Nick Holmes thinks that it's the fans fault for not getting the bands direction in the late 90's and He's still pissed about it. They have come along way from the mediocre Death metal band they were in the beginning, God, from Lost Paradise to Symbol of Life! It's fantastic, he should be celebrating the fact that they have stemmed the tide of nu metal and are still making good music in 2003, instead of whinging!"
William said:
You make it sound so awful, it was NOT the worst show of the day and is not the worst attitude ive seen at a show by far. If I was in a band that had changed style like that I wouldnt want to play mostly old stuff, id want to play what I like (reason for changing style), fair enough a request or 2 would have been nice of them but come on!

The only good thing about their set was that it was so boring I went out to the toilet and met Bob Catley :worship: at the now and then stall.
Hmm. Looks like this post got a few replies. I was worried that their attitude was just an act that I "didn't get". Glad to see I wasn't the only one disappointed.
johnhall said:
Nick really has lost it. I love the music of Paradise Lost (well except for Host) but he is such a miserable git. Last time they played in Newcastle his opening shot was "hello you northern c*nts" and he was as bad on Saturday. He seems to have a problem because UK fans don't buy the albums, but then they were the ones who decided to totally change direction after their best album. Mind you I wonder how the rest of the band feel about Nick's antics, cause I've met them all and they're top blokes. Can't agree with you about Edguy though - awful!

I was at the front of that Paradise Lost gig in Newcastle, what a bunch of misrable fuckers. They would'nt even do a signing session for the fans. Well P.L. I hope your reading this cos I won't be buying anymore of your albums.
I think Nightwish must be counted as worst bands. Power Metal is good genre but bands like Nightwish, Hammerfall they ruin it. Tarja's vocal or there music is so gay.

Paradise Lost is one of the pioneers of Doom Metal and you should give them more respect.

Ok sure I'm not all that into tecno stuff and that. I did scream and I wanted them to do Gothic ( Doom period song ). I knew half the set list. So it was ok for me.

Anyways I've said this million times but Lee Morris was in British proto NWOBHM/Power Metal band MARSHALL LAW. And now he is helping Marshall Law's new records. He did gave drum sticks to the audience.

OK I must admit Nick Holmes shouldn't have said nasty words... They just don't wanna do old stuff. And they want to move on.

I really had enough with kiddy poser power metal shit like Rhapsody rip offs Dragon Force or Hammarfall. So it was breath of fresh air for me.

As for the Key Boardist, UK has the best ones ever. Don Airley of Collosium 2, MSG ( Michael Schenker Group ), White Snake, Gary Moore, Rainbow, Ozzy Osbourne, Ten and many others.

He has done all the key board works for famous great English HR/HM bands.

Keith Emerson of ELP? Threshold? huh?

Yeah I forgot this but MARTY FRIEDMAN solo! Anyone?
Yeah people need to accept not all bands want to go walking around the stage getting the audience worked up, trying to get everyone to sing along, if you go to something like a funeral doom concert you will notice even less action, its all the mood of the music and the people behind it. And nicks behaviour didnt bother me in the slightest, I dont expect a huge grin from all the bands I see
Zetor said:
We also noticed the bass player nipping to the side for a fag and whats with all the samples being used?? I relise that using them nowdays is the norm but if your setlist relies on keyboards then get a keyboard player, Mercury Rain were the worst offenders as far as I could tell.

I can play keyboards. Not that well, admittedly, but I'm competent. Anyone in the Birmingham area need a keyboard for a power metal band?
it's nice to see someone on more positive. half of the reviews were folk acting like sheep, (no pun intended btw) what one says the other agree's and follows. everyone is entiltled to their opinion but yer can't dismiss paradise lost just on one gig. ok there were a few problems at the beginning but they got the shit together and played a smashing set. no poncing about the stage, sparks coming out of people's arses etc etc, that's just how they are, a static band prefering you to actually listen to their music and appreciate it. did anyone actually listen???
they have come on an hell of a lot over the years like someone said earlier from 'lost paradise to symbol of life', you would'nt believe it was the same band and yes we all like the older classics and they do play them now and again but the new one's kick arse too. try the new album you'll not be disappointed. it's still paradise lost but with a more mature sound. at least they've moved onto to something different and not stayed the same as some bands i can mention.
as for the insults and moans, they are just part of the show, take it how you want but most of the time it's funny. some folk can't have a laugh.
all the reviews of recent gigs of their's have been very good, they have been touring all over the world all year and are about to embark on a new autumn tour so if yer get chance go and see them at one of their solo tours and then come back and tell us all about it.
also just for the record all the band walk around and mindle with the fans before sometimes and definetly after most shows, they are all down to earth lads, who DO appreciate their fans, having a laugh , a beer and a chat including the so called miserable mr holmes, he's always out there talking with folks and yes he can have a laugh. they also interact with the fans on their website, not many bands do that. also they do regular signing sessions in different gigs and there's always lots of people waiting to meet them.
just thought i'd try and clear things up a bit instead of being a sheep.
god_king said:
As for the Key Boardist, UK has the best ones ever. Don Airley of Collosium 2, MSG ( Michael Schenker Group ), White Snake, Gary Moore, Rainbow, Ozzy Osbourne, Ten and many others.

He has done all the key board works for famous great English HR/HM bands.

Guess you meant Don Airey there god_king!
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Well gigs are a great oppertunity to get new fans so Paradise Lost WILL be judged on one gig by many people. Including me. I heard a bit of one of their older albums this week though and they were a different band! I appriciate that they wanted to experiment but it appears they just carried on going in the wrong direction. And how dare you call Nightwish 'gay' because they have female vocals? It's a completely unique sound and they do so well to get such a sound from one guitarist and a group of extremely talented people.
god_king said:

I really had enough with kiddy poser power metal shit like Rhapsody rip offs Dragon Force or Hammarfall. So it was breath of fresh air for me.

As for the Key Boardist, UK has the best ones ever. Don Airley of Collosium 2, MSG ( Michael Schenker Group ), White Snake, Gary Moore, Rainbow, Ozzy Osbourne, Ten and many others.

Don Airey is also currently in Deep Purple.

I can't believe I missed Hammerfall what time where they on ;)