Story behind V

its more than fine to repost on old threads, this forum actually requests you try to do that rather than keep posting the same topics over and over again cluttering up space.
Yes, I was about to post that I'd found this right in your FAQs: "**Please check the band's FAQ (which can be found here) and search the existing threads here on the forum (at least those on the first few pages) for topics before starting a new thread, as there's a chance the topic/question you have in mind has already been discussed. Please don't start a new thread on a topic just to bring attention to yourself; such duplicate threads will be deleted rather than allowing them to multiply & clutter the board."

Anyway. Back to V. :p
The story came with my version of the album. I can't remember if it was the Jap version or not but I ordered it through the usual channels (UK supplier) at the time (2000).
A new thought I just had about V, after listening to it again. Crazy as it may sound, those Crystals that were put into the Atlanteans' doomsday weapons sure remind me of nuclear weapons. You never know...