V: The true connection


Nov 17, 2005
hey I was doing some research I guess you could call it on the whole truth behind V.

here goes

I was looking through Egyptian ancient city names and found something interesting a town called Khemenu (Hermopolis Magna)

Nome (Egypt) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia No. 15 on upper egypt

Its modern name is al-Ashmunayn so I looked that up and found this. The village of Al Ashmunayn was the capital at that time and it was called Hermopolis Magna It was a center of worship of the god Thoth.

Al Minya Governorate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia under the roman times part of the page.

Then I looked up Thoth found this out. His feminine counterpart was Ma'at.[2] His chief shrine was at Khemennu, where he was the head of the local company of gods, later renamed Hermopolis by the Greeks. He also knew plato which brings the connection of atlantis that he knew about.

Thoth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and he was called the scribe of Ma'at

Supposedly he was the creator of 365 day calendar, it seems like Thoth came up with everything later used in Judeo-Christian myth. alot more than you can read for yourself if anyone cares.

Then I looked up Ma'at

Ma'at - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Chapter 125 of the Book of the Dead, often called the 42 Declarations of Purity or the Negative Confession.

basically the freaking ten commandments christianity has just copied Eygptian ideas and made them their own. Who come up with the ten commandments moses who was in Egypt most of his life wonder where he got his ideas from hmmm.

Anyways thats about it sorry for the long post if no cares well just don't read it but I found this to be quite interesting.
No it's a good post and not too long either. I am also interested in stuff like this. Have a rep point. :)
1by4by9 is right. You deserve Rep for this thread.

For another connection, Ptah was supposedly the Intellegent Designer that Judeo-Christianity completely ripped off that idea from. I still have to look into the validity of that a bit more though.

I think I've posted this link here like a bajillion times, but if you're really interested in Atlantis, you should look into this book. It actually agrees with some of the connections made in the concept of V. One that was most interesting to me though was that one name that came up for Atlantis in Egyptian Mythology was "Het Ka Ptah", which roughly translates to "Ssecond Abode of Ptah". I found that probably one of the most interesting connections between the myth and the concept.
Not to be a spoil sport, but have you considered that if the Christian view is correct then it is logical that most other religions would carry similar ideas as everyone descended from the same people who had the one God, and then they just constructed variations of this God in an attempt to satisfy their own 'requirements'. Maybe Moses did actually recieve the Ten commandments from God, and because he was near Egypt at the time, descendants carried them on, but just fitted them into their own religion...
Uh oh, I sense a theology debate coming on... ;)
^Same here...I could trash anyone in this debate but don't feel like writing a big long post. Besides, arguing with the metal fan base about religious topics is a fultile act anyway.
Not to be a spoil sport, but have you considered that if the Christian view is correct then it is logical that most other religions would carry similar ideas as everyone descended from the same people who had the one God, and then they just constructed variations of this God in an attempt to satisfy their own 'requirements'. Maybe Moses did actually recieve the Ten commandments from God, and because he was near Egypt at the time, descendants carried them on, but just fitted them into their own religion...
Uh oh, I sense a theology debate coming on... ;)
Yes you do.

But I don't feel like getting into it right now, because I'm lazy and sick, but I will tell you taht you're wrong, why, and I'll keep it short:

Christianity: 2000 Years Old
Egyptian Mythology: 7000+ Years Old

Q: How could Egyptian Mythology have ripped off something that came 5000 years after it?

A: It can't.

This is really more of something that's for my ellow crackpots and I in the Philosopher section.
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and very bigbigbig money :Smug:
If you see all those churches, cathedrals... Christians here in Europe do have money... (the Roman Catholics)

I should read that Book of the Dead though...
Yes you do.

But I don't feel like getting into it right now, because I'm lazy and sick, but I will tell you taht you're wrong, why, and I'll keep it short:

Christianity: 2000 Years Old
Egyptian Mythology: 7000+ Years Old

Q: How could Egyptian Mythology have ripped off something that came 5000 years after it?

A: It can't.

This is really more of something that's for my ellow crackpots and I in the Philosopher section.

yep because Moses was Jesus' buddy wasn't he??
and very bigbigbig money :Smug:
If you see all those churches, cathedrals... Christians here in Europe do have money... (the Roman Catholics)

you are very much mistaking christianity with the people who abuse it...

and in the same way, all other religions are twisted and abused...

as for who came up with the commandments concept... none fo us were there so who the fuck cares, just do what you know is right and u'll probably stay out of trouble... its all logical anyway.
Yes you do.

But I don't feel like getting into it right now, because I'm lazy and sick, but I will tell you taht you're wrong, why, and I'll keep it short:

Christianity: 2000 Years Old
Egyptian Mythology: 7000+ Years Old

Q: How could Egyptian Mythology have ripped off something that came 5000 years after it?

A: It can't.

This is really more of something that's for my ellow crackpots and I in the Philosopher section.

Fair enough, just putting foward my opinions... :)

I'll also leave this debate, cos here definately isn't the place for it, and i respect that, but just for what it's worth, if you've read the bible you'll know that Moses and his commandments were about 5000-7000 years ago (approx), a long time before Christ which is when the 2000 years are counted from... I'll leave it there, you guys can make up your own minds... just don't make the mistake of seeing Christians as they're stereotyped, cos I'm definately not like that... :) :headbang:
I think that it makes sense that neighbor civilizations had the same law systems, especially because moses and his people did come from egypt, and because there were many other similarities between these two nations.

And besides, egyptian mythology rules:headbang: !
^ that's where i will step in again at this thread.. egyptian mythology definately rules :headbang: - it was always my favourite subject in school.. european history in general i have always loved..

always hated aussie history though, we just arent that interesting! actually no i cant say that, our prohibition period is pretty eye-opening.. but in a totally different way to other kinds of histories. But i had to wait till university to get the more interesting side of aussie history.. they don't teach you the good stuff in primary or highschool. but if thats true of our history then it must also be true of the other histories, thus making me think taking a history class in uni would be pretty awesome..
The only thing I know about Australian History is that it used to be a prison for England. Other than that, nada.