V: The true connection

Reputation can also be acquired through repetition. That means if -as a band- you repeat the same melodies over and over, your reputation may go higher. :loco:
Look at Strato-non-various for example. :)
I don't think she was talking about you progmetalpilgrim she was talking about the comment made by wounded land I think.

Also something new I found and progmetal you said that Moses and the Ten commandments were 5000-7000 years old actually since the exodus of the hebrew slaves happened after the death of Ramesses II and he died in 1213BC and sometime after moses suposedly received the ten commandants so thats more around 3000 years not 5000-7000 so Ptah Khnemu is still pretty close.

woah this is interesting check this out about Ramesses II

Ramesses had a number of royal names. The two most important, his prenomen (regnal name) and nomen (birth name) are shown in Egyptian hieroglyphs above to the right. These names are transliterated as wsr-m3‘t-r‘–stp-n-r‘ r‘-ms-sw–mry-ỉ-mn, which is usually written as Usermaatra-setepenra Ramessu-meryamen. It translates as "Powerful one of Ma'at, the Justice of Ra is Powerful, chosen of Ra, Ra bore him, beloved of Amun".
i do meet a fair few SyX fans in my travels - especially when I went to Brisbane for Opeth..they are definately out there..unfortunately however the band still wont come *cries*