Wearing Your Guitar


Aug 24, 2010
Hey Chris,

I noticed when you were playing with Nevermore and doing the Betcha Can't Play This pieces, you wore your guitar pretty high up on the strap, similar to John Petrucci. Later on, when you dissected the Endgame solo and did Chaos Theory, you wore your guitar lower. Now I know that wearing it higher gives better playing control and makes playing faster easier (at least for me); what made you lower your guitar, though? Is it something that you decided to do one day and it just became more natural, or did it have anything to do with playing in Megadeth? Also, is wearing your guitar higher something you recommend (at the expense of looking like you're one of the Beatles)?
I love playing my guitar up high as it gives me full control of my instrument. However i play in a few different bands of a few different styles, and lower it and raise it according to the level of difficulty in performing the material across the different projects. Perhaps chris does the same thing.
Hey All,

There are advantages to both. If you wear it high it does a better job of enabling you left hand but it compromises your right hand and you view of the whole fret board. The opposite is true of wearing it lower, however I have found that if I lower the guitar and angle the neck up it compensates for the left hand IMHO.
hope this helps as there is no perfect position for all techniques. Also I used to pick using my arm and now I use wrist rotation, I have noticed that people who pick with there arm tend to wear the guitar higher. Finally there is no wrong or right but keep testing the waters and you will com to the right conclusion for you.
take care Chris
If you guys see any early Jag Panzer live clips with Chris, his guitar almost hits his chin!:lol: