Weather affecting orders?...

Oct 19, 2006
How's the weather in your area? I was wondering if things are running smoothly or could there be any delays with orders? I can wait extra time if needed. I ordered a CD today which must have sold out during your year end sale. Take care. PB
I was guessing it might be nasty by you. Just asking - nothing derogatory :Saint: . I thought the weather might possibly cause orders to go out a few days later which is fine. Not much snow here but we're expecting a real temp of -25 degrees this weekend.
Boy it was brutal last night. I happened to be out in my car right when the snow started to stick. Its a BMW 650i. 19 inch rims are definitely NOT equipped for the snow. I fishtailed all the way home at 15mph and almost 360'ed once. I could barely make hills. Meanwhile my wife's X3 is zipping around town like there wasn't any snow at all.
Boy it was brutal last night. I happened to be out in my car right when the snow started to stick. Its a BMW 650i. 19 inch rims are definitely NOT equipped for the snow. I fishtailed all the way home at 15mph and almost 360'ed once. I could barely make hills. Meanwhile my wife's X3 is zipping around town like there wasn't any snow at all.

I Work part time at the Xmas tree shop 3 nights a week in Raritan at the circle, & on the way home at 10:00 Pm Rt 206 was a mess going towards Hillsbough/Manville..But The new ( SKEEM) cd helped.....:Smokin:
Damn. Feel sorry for you guys. Even though its "cold" by Austin standards, nothing is comparable to what you guys are going through. My wife wants to move to Philadelphia or its surrounding areas..I'm like WTF
Boy it was brutal last night. I happened to be out in my car right when the snow started to stick. Its a BMW 650i. 19 inch rims are definitely NOT equipped for the snow. I fishtailed all the way home at 15mph and almost 360'ed once. I could barely make hills. Meanwhile my wife's X3 is zipping around town like there wasn't any snow at all.

Swap cars with Wife....:erk:
Damn. Feel sorry for you guys. Even though its "cold" by Austin standards, nothing is comparable to what you guys are going through. My wife wants to move to Philadelphia or its surrounding areas..I'm like WTF

Time to File for Divorce....:lol:
Just stay away from the west coast - fukushima
The west coast of America is done.....

My Wife wants to Move to the Poconos....Im trying to tell her that its not the same as it was 10 or 15 yrs. ago. I want to sell the cottage we have in Dingman Falls. & go to Delaware..... And to Italy a few months out of the Year...:) Hopefully I will Retire in 62 yrs old.